

1当然奇迹芯片来影响美国certainly中文的生活方式的良性和生产力计算机革命是解放的肢体certainly中文,刺激人才,推进到更高层次的人类的生存2在北极的一端与正直的职位可以旋转,在另一个骆驼,走一圈,不断提供动力,把石头轮3正如工业革命代替;the language has the rich connotation, simultaneously takes the social position, France#39s commercial culture indeed is extremely unusual, is each cultural characteristic combinationCertainly, any two treaters have not。

并不是的,我现在正在干一件事,但那并不是我的工作It is not, I am doing something that is not within my work事实上,每天我都会非常的累In fact I feel very tired everyday我不知道,我是否还有信心;意思是无疑确定肯定当然无疑1肯定 I want this baby very much, because it certainly will be the last我很爱这个小宝贝,因为它肯定是我最后一个孩子了2当然 I certainly don#39t remember talking。

certainly 5sEtEnliadv的确, 口语当然, 行 certainly AHDsucircr“tnlparaDJ6sT8tnli8KK6sPt2liadv副词Undoubtedly definitely毫无疑问地确定地This is。


Certainly固然了当然可 Certainly那还用说 certainly当然地 quotThey certainly havequot, said the Master“certainly中文他们确实做到了”,大师说I have certainly enjoyed this afternoon我的确非常喜欢这个下午And they certainly。

正确答案是B Perhaps 也许,可能 表示猜测 Whose shirt is this这是谁的衬衣Perhaps it#x27s Jim#x27s 也许是吉姆的注 A Sure 当然 CYeC 是的特殊疑问句不能用yes或no回答DCertainly 当然。

Once, a famous American write Mark Twain found an interesting book that deeply attracted him in his neighbor#39s house, and he asked whether he could borrow it The neighbor said quot Certainly, you are welcome。

” “Certainly” 我拿走这个可以吗当然2 否定用法Of course not 1 相似用法 – definitely no definitely not, No chance 2 例句 eg “Have you ever been to prisoncertainly中文?” “Of。


We have no vacancies now , but we will certainly bear your apppcation in mind 我们目前没有空缺,但是我们一定记住你申请的事There is no vacancy for a full time job at the moment 现在没有。


4 certainly #39s#x0259t#x0259nli ad当然当然可以 5 use juz, jus v使用 6 young j#x028C#x014B a年轻的幼小的 7 French frent#x0283 n法语 8 France #39fr#x00E6ns n法国 9 dialogue #39dai#x0259l#x0254g n。

adv表示平常显然或众所周知的事实当然自然尤用于赞同或不赞同某人时当然conv表示许可的礼貌说法当然可以表示否定当然不 一读音英 #594v k#596#720s,美 #601v。

But it is certainly not incorrect to do it rather than notcertainly中文!这句话很耐人询问可以这样理解整体句型结构It + be+形容词+ to do sth 做某事是的 难点分析not incorrect 不是不适当的不正确的= 没。


certainly #712s#601tnliadv 无疑地,确定地当然地必定准 例句I certainly wondered what my parents would do我当然好奇我父母会做什么。



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