

而一些非裔美国人则庆祝另一个节日宽扎节And some black Americans observe another holiday, kwanzaa4月22日会庆祝一个重要节日April 22 is a very important holiday 每当希基来到旅馆的时候,这里就像天堂一样快乐;Is a national territory that aureate autumn scan widely 9,600,000 square kilometers again up, all over the place golden, prosperous brocade, the high building stands erect, coal ocean current gold, ocean;庆祝celebrate英#712sel#601bre#618t美s#603l#601#716bretcelebrate,英语单词,及物动词不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“庆祝举行赞美祝贺宣告”,作不及物动词时意为“庆祝过节举;dear tomhavn#39t seen you for a long time,how is your day? really miss you,here is the main thing, i decide to hold a part at my place this saturday from 7001100, i would like to invite you;九月十号是教师节,下午中华学校召开庆祝大会 September 10 is teacher#39s day,the Zhonghua school will hold a celebration meeting in the afternoon;as some schoolmates attended是过去式吗?我暂时这么给你翻译吧,如果不是,时态自己改或者 This was a celebrating meeting in which all of the teachers and students as well as some schoolmates were present;Boss Su, do you have any good wine for the celebration?词汇释义老板boss proprietor shopkeeper优质high quality high grade参加join attend take part in participate in庆祝会reunionbanquetfestival at an。

celebrate #39selibreit v 庆祝,祝贺,颂扬 词形变化形容词celebratory 名词celebration 动词过去式celebrated 过去分词celebrated 现在分词celebrating 第三人称单数celebrates 例句与用法1 He read us a sonnet;动词celebrate v庆祝, 祝贺, 表扬, 赞美, 举行 felicitate vt祝贺, 庆祝, 庆贺, 把某人看作有福, 庆幸 名词celebration n庆祝, 庆典 fete n庆祝, 祭祀, 节日;celebrate 1 公开正式地举行宗教仪式,公开举行仪式2 纪念周年节日等3 歌颂,赞美 4 庆祝,欢庆 5 以欢庆活动纪念,庆祝节日周年等celebration 1 庆祝,纪念 2 庆祝的典礼或仪式,庆祝会;r Bruce Hello, I#39m President of the student union, on Saturday evening at seven o #39clock this week will be held in the school hall on New Year#39s party, the content is mainly dance read;为庆祝国庆,我们把礼堂布置得花团锦簇WedecoratedtheauditoriuminagorgeouswayfortheNationalDaycelebrations权威词典为庆祝国庆燃放烟火AdisplayoffireworkstookplacetocelebrateourNationalDay权威词典生日庆祝会上兴奋过度的女;想表达“庆祝”的意思,除了Celebrate和 Celebration 还可以用 jubilation 和fete例如The village was a scene of jubilation村庄一片欢腾庆祝的情景The fete is canceled庆祝取消了所以除了celebrate, celebration。

Celebration是一个英语词汇,名词,意思是“庆典,庆祝会庆祝颂扬”单词发音英 #716sel#618#712bre#618#643n 美 #716sel#618#712bre#618#643n短语搭配Grand celebration。

问题一庆祝这个英语单词怎么写 庆祝 Celebrate 他和海伦去年庆祝了他们的银婚He and Helen celebrated their silver wedding last year他为朋友们举行了一个聚会,庆祝新年的到来He celebrated the arrival of the New。


标签: 庆祝会英语



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