

这是超越个人的力量,这是超越同界的竞争,奥林匹克精神带来了心灵的净化和全世界的合音 虽然殊酷的竞争溶入了运动员太多的汗水泪水和血水,虽然我几次由客厅躲进了卧室躲进了阳台,直到国歌奏响时才溜出来,但我希望圣火永不熄灭;TheOlympicSpiritisasetofvaluesthathavebeenatthecoreoftheOlympicGamessincetheirinceptioninancientGreeceThesevaluesincludeexcellence,respect,friendship,andfairplayTheyareembodiedbytheathleteswhocompeteintheGames,andtheyinspirepe;篇一奥运精神英语作文 The Olympic motto is quotfaster, higher, strongerquot, support and bring up quotfaster, higher, strongerquot is quotselfconfidence, selfimprovement, selfesteemquot It is a motive force of the;and enhance the friendship among people of the world, so that the Olympic spirit will flourish once again, this time in China, an oriental country with an ancient civilization 中国人民一向赞赏奥林匹克精神的;但每个人的个人感受不同,不可能做到十全十美我个人是喜欢伦敦奥运会开幕式的,就像我同样喜欢北京奥运会开幕式一样我们更应该去看重的奥林匹克精神,而不是一味评价和挑剔开幕式的不足;That’s all! Thank you!例文2New Beijing, Great Olympics The 2008 Olympic Game has been the most cheerful and anticipated event throughout Beijing ever since Beijing was rewarded the right to host the 2008。


篇一Olympics in Posters There are two people in either posters, each of which tells something about Olympic spiritsIn the first poster, two badminton players hold one gold medal together, which suggests;百年奥运,风云变幻,而不变的却是始终如一的人文精神在奥林匹克精神中,人文内涵是不朽的底蕴它作为一种特殊的精神动力,凝聚着全人类向往前进的心声8月8日的奥运会开幕式给中国人一个惊喜,更给世界人民一个惊喜;翻译每一个人都应享有从事体育运动的可能性,而不受任何形式的歧视,并体现相互理解友谊团结和公平竞争的奥林匹克精神奥林匹克精神是一个普遍的概念The primary activity form of the Olympic spirit is the;1奥林匹克精神就是相互了解友谊团结和公平竞争的精神The Olympics spirit is understands, the friendship, the unity and the fair competition spirit mutually熊熊燃烧的奥林匹克圣火照耀这高高飘扬的五星红旗,更快更高。

英语作文奥林匹克精神国际奥委会在奥林匹克宪章中“奥林匹克主义的原则”条款中有这样一段话“每一个人都应享有从事体育运动的可能性,而不受任何形式的歧视,并体现相互理解友谊团结和公平竞争的奥林匹克;held once every four yearsThe first Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece 776 BC,due to held in Olympia namedThe end of the 19th century by the French Baron Coubertin founded the true sense of;熊熊燃烧的奥林匹克圣火照耀这高高飘扬的五星红旗,更快更高更强,让奥运精神发扬光大,每一个冲刺都是奥林匹克精神的全力释放让五星红旗一遍遍飘扬在体育馆上空吧让国歌一遍遍在耳畔回响吧让我们的心同国歌一起。

participating and winning, that#39s the spirit of the Olympic It#39s shown in cases where those who#39re weaker dare to challenge those who#39re stronger, and those who#39re stronger strive to be the strongest。

ve乐观 他是著名的运动员,他们的力量是黑色奥林匹克响叮当 在体内循环比赛,欢欢是大哥 他是一个火孩子,象征着奥林匹克运动的激情和火焰热情的祝福,祝福他 欢欢中心站比赛为核心的奥林匹克精神的体现 同时,他鼓励所有的激情与。



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