

Our School 我们的学校 This is our schoolAt the school gate, you can see the main road in front of youComing into the gate, you can see the tall teaching building in the middle of the schoolOn the介绍自己的学校英语;I study in a middle school,the school is big and beautiful,there are many trees and flowers around my schoolThere are twenty four classes,my class has twenty five boys and twenty girlsThere are many。

有一些学生在树下阅读书籍This is my schooi,What about you?这是我的学校,介绍自己的学校英语你的呢建议学习在线外教一对一课程,跟着外教学纯正的英语口语,课程价格合理每一节课不超过20元,或者先领取免费试听课看看合不合适分享;写这类作文最好用到There be 句型 最后最好抒发自己对学校的感情,开头开门见山的好 8 介绍自己的学校50词英文作文带翻译 Hello,I#39m Lisa,my school is beautifulNow let me tell you about it 介绍自己的学校英语你好,我是丽萨,我的学校是漂。

我在一所漂亮的学校学习校园里有许多树和花它一年四季都是绿色的我的学校有三栋楼其中两座是教学楼,一座是办公室和图书馆我们的教室又大又明亮我们很高兴在这里学习英语翻译技巧第一省略翻译法 这与;我爱我的学校 我爱里面的人 他们辛勤工作,使之更加美观 英语作文学校的变化 1月2号是我们学校建立25周年,迁新校十周年的纪念日 从建校以来,我们学校发生介绍自己的学校英语了很大的变化 学校规划超前,环境优美,总体布局合理,建筑人文内。


2 用英语写一篇介绍自己学校的文章 Wuhan Heping Middle School Our shool, Wuhan Heping Middle School, lies in the center of Wuhan city It was just built and has the perfect size The school yard is o。

我的学校英语作文一My School life My name is Beth I#39m 14 years old, and I study in No 1 Middle School of Hangzhou My school is very big and beautiful I#39m very happy in the schoolI usuall。

介绍我的学校英语作文只需要根据自身的学校环境来描述,以及班级的事情,分享一篇“介绍我的学校”万能的模板My school dayMy school day is vey busy There are 6 classes in a day,4 in the morning and 2 in。



it is so big and beautifulSchool classroom very capacious, also extremelyclean, our teacher is veryfriendly to us Our school is in stationery shopopposite Our schoollearning environment is very good。

1小学介绍学校英语作文之我亲爱的学校 Hello! I#39m Lily I study in Hongda School It is in Zhejiang It is divided into primary school, middle school and high school So, it is very big And it。


1、介绍学校英语双语范文如下Welcome to our school!Our school is the key middle school in this city Now we are in the front gate Entry in this school, you can see there is a big football playground on。

2、my favourite subject is maths *** 在学校,我最喜欢数学***Perhaps someone thinks it#39s difficult to study well 也许有些人认为这很难学But I like it但我喜欢它I belive that if you try。

3、用英语介绍自己的学校是如下I study in a beautiful school There are many trees and flowers in campus It’s green all theyear round There are three buildings in my school Two of them are teaching。

4、介绍自己学校英语作文 篇1 Our school was built in 1945 and a great number of students have graduated from it Now many of them have become scientists, professors and engineers Many students have also become。



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