

1、Retirement room 都可以的,祝开心~。

2、nursing home , oldage homes 例句1我希望敬老院的人会很欣赏你I hope the people at the nursing home appreciate you2你能讲讲康复中心或敬老院与医院有什么不同的地方吗Can you tell me what the di。


3、养老院英语名词 oldpeople#39shome resthome home敬老院geracomium,为老年人提供养老服务的非营利性组织,又称养老院西方国家的养老院通常由地方政府或慈善机构与企业合作开办,能接收有各种各样需求的老人中国。

4、old people’s home 敬老院。

5、and I am responsible for those senior citizens#39 diet在说这个的时候最好注意一下文明用语或者西方人用语习惯敬老院比较文明的说法就是nursing home ,而说到老人时候最好用senior citizens ,西方人忌讳 old 这个词。

6、“我们敬老院需要帮忙”英文Our old folks#39 home needs help词汇解析一old folks#39 home 读法英 #601#650ld f#601#650ks h#601#650m 美 o#650ld fo#650ks ho#650m。

7、Older apartment Apartment for the aged 你看看 问题三你们这星期五去老年公寓吗用英文怎么翻译 will you go to the senior citizens#39 apartment on Friday?问题四孩子们每年都去访问老年公寓用英语怎么说。

8、敬老院有很多善良的志愿者英语翻译是There are many kind volunteers in the nursing home志愿者volunteer是指志愿贡献个人的时间及精力,在不为任何物质报酬的情况下,为改善社会服务,促进社会进步而提供服务的人志愿。

9、Our school carried out a study of Lei Feng, to send warm activities, our school volunteers went to the nursing home。

10、Today my classmates and I went to the Home for the Elderly to have our deepest sympathies with the old by bus at 2#39clock pleasure,we helped the old clean their clothes and sweep the floor。

11、去养老院帮助老人的英语如下Go to the nursing home to help the elderly英语的重要性如下1扩宽学生的视野和思考能力学习英语要从小开始,学生在学习英语的过程中,能够了解外国的语言文化,在和他人交流的过程中。

12、有的同学去敬老院给老人读书聊天唱歌跳舞用英语表达Some students go to the nursing home to read, talk, sing and dance for the elderly注完全没有问题,希望帮助到您请及时点击采纳。

13、过去我卜晌尘们经常去养老院关爱老人英语In the past, we often went to nursing homes to care for the elderly重点词汇经常ofteneverydaydailyconstantlydaytodayfrequentlyvery often regularlyon。

14、We meet at the school gate at 830 in Saturday morning, and then go to gerocomium by bus。

15、My Summer time work at an Old Folks#39 Home Since summer I have volunteered at an old folk’s home because I saw how lonely some of the residents were I volunteered two days a week during the summer。



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