

Wild lifes are our friendsSo保护老虎英语,we should protect themBecause many people kill tigers for its fur and bonesThey use them to make medcineIf we don#39t protect them 保护老虎英语,soon there will be no tigers in the。

Tiger is one of the most valueable animals to human beings todayIt is somehow like a cat保护老虎英语,but much bigger than itIt lives in the forest,and feeds on small animalsNowadays,the number of the wild tiger。


Tiger is one of the most valueable animals to human beings today It is somehow like a cat, but much bigger than it It lives in the forest, and feeds on small animalsNowadays, the number of the。

所以国家制定法律保护老虎 So the state enacted laws to protect the tiger enact 英 #618#712n#230kt 美 #603n#712#230ktvt制定法律 规定 颁布,颁布 担任角色。


because the world without tiger is not a completed one老虎是现在对人类最有价值的动物之一它的外形有点像猫,但是比猫大很多它生活在林中,以小动物为食现如今,野生老虎的数量越来越少如果人类再不停止砍伐。

There are fewer tigers left in the world nowTigers are the animals of the world,and they should have their own living spacesWe must do our best to protect the tigers and their living environment。

Environment protection As you know,there#39s no enough clean water for people So many of them lose their lives because of water IAlso we have polluted the land, the river and the air So we have to。


Now we can hear the cries of tigers in the future even the Siberian tiger can be heard the cries大熊猫是保护老虎英语我们的国宝,国家对保护大熊猫可以说投入了大量的人力和物力,如今大熊猫已经得到全世界人民的保护和关爱。

most tigers are orange with black stripes or a pale colour with brown stripesthe colour and the stripes help a tiger hide well in long grass or in the shade of trees大多数老虎毛色橙黄,带黑斑纹,或呈。

Because the tiger is a kind of rare animal, their protection is very important, here are a few suggestions。

Tiger is one of the most valueable animals to human today It is somehow like a cat, but much bigger than it It lives in the forest, and feeds on small animals We should protect them more careful。

也可以讨论老虎面临的问题,如生存环境受到破坏等以及保护老虎的途径,如加强野生动物保护意识等方面着手写 以下是我收集的三篇跟老虎有关的范文,可以参考一下 范文一关于老虎的英语作文 A tiger is a type of mammal。

老虎的英语为tiger1Shell fight like a tiger to protect her children她为了保护孩子,可以凶得像一只老虎2The tigers home is in the jungle老虎栖息在丛林里3Which has spots,a leopard or a tiger。



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