

What happened!比较好,表示发生事情时发生什么事了英语的状况也可以用What has happened,简写为What#39s happened表示发生过的事件对现在的影响要结合上下文进行选择如无上下文,则第一种翻译较好;what#39s up?what#39s wrong with you?what#39s the matter with you?what#39s happened。

what happened to you?你发生什么事了显然是发生过的,用过去式这里是过去式直接就是什么什么happen,没有被发生这一说;你提出的这个问题 必须得看语境,如果只是单纯的问 发生了什么 ,可以有n种回答方式,比如说 上面各位所说的 what happened 或者 还有 what#39s up? what#39s the matter anything wrong甚至有时候 仅仅是一个。

那里发生什么事了英文Something happened there 1没人知道那里发生了什么事No one knows what happened up there2博士 请不要介意发生什么事了英语我太好奇 但是也许你可以澄清一下 到底那里发生了什么事Dr Floyd, I hope you;What happened just now? 刚才发生了什么事What happened to him? 发生什么事了英语他出什么事了。

What#39s the matter? 怎么了发生什么事了What happened to sb?某人发生了什么虽然句型是happen to sb,但是有点过于套用语法了,一般不这么用What#39s happening大声什么了强调事情仍在继续着;What was going onWhat was the matter如果事情发生刚过不久,或是正在发生,英文可表达为What happens或What#x27s happening也可What happenedWhat is going onWhat#x27s the matter该如何表达。

What happened?What#39s the matter?What#39s up?上面的都表示“发生了什么事”如果你强调“到底”这个意思的话,就在后面加上“on earth”就行了;1英语表达What is going on?what happenedwhat#39s the matterwhat#39s up2what happened发生了什么事,动作发生在过去,所以用一般过去时3词汇发生occur occurrence happen germination arises 什么。

What#39s the matter?What#39s wrong?What happened?这三种讲法都是“怎么了,有什么事吗,发生什么事情了吗”的意思,楼主可以任意选择使用^__^。


What happened yesterday? When I woke up in the morning, the kitchen was a mess, there were cracked open eggs everywhere It looked like a disaster I was very confused I asked my mom what happened。


What had happened? 一般用语 What#39s up? What#39s wrong? 口语说法。

问题六突然的出现 用英文怎么说 10分 suddenly appear 问题七刚才发生了什么事用英语怎么说 What happened ju订t now?这是常用口语我和国外朋友都这么说的 What#39s up just now?What#39s wrong just now。


1、严格的来说是可以的,但是就口语来说显得太正规,而且这样的问法很少take place 一般是指重大的活动或者是灾难,如An earthquake took place in Sichuan Province a few months ago所以如果问发生了什么事的话,一般用。

2、究竟发生了什么事 What the devil happened What on Earth is going on What actually happened例句花了这么长的时间才弄清楚究竟发生了什么事,这让我怒向胆边生I am furious that it has taken so long to。

3、1含义What happen用于过去发生的事情,而What#39s happening用于当前正在发生的事情 例子 Do you know what happened today?你知道今天发生了什么事吗 Do you know what#39s happening right now?你知道现在正在。



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