

我的变化英语作文篇1 我的变化 My Changes There is a saying, quotA girl changes fast in physical appearance from childhood to adulthoodquot I just had my eighteen years birthday It#39s certain that I have gr英语作文我的变化;过去三年里,我的生活发生了很大的变化最初来到学校的时候,我又矮又胖那时,我沉迷于网络游戏,大部分时间都花在了玩电脑游戏上面我的父母为此很担心Now, I like sports and I often play basketball with my。

篇一我的变化 My Changes Now, I am a middle school student in grade nine It’s also the last year of middle school Therefore, I must work harder this year because I want to get good scores in;但,上了中学后,书桌前很少有我的身影,而电脑前多了一个游戏狂,常常是夜深人静的时候,我才恋恋不舍地关掉电脑,第二天早上就赖床The result was almost a poor student Indeed, I changed and became haunted。

s for students to autonomous learningOur teachers would come to the classroom,if we have any questions we could ask themAfter school,I do not study at homeI think a good rest is important for me,so;篇一我的变化 My ChangesNow,I am a middle school student in grade nineIt’s also the last year of middle schoolTherefore,I must work harder this year because I want to get good scores in the senior。

I likes studying, and last term I got good grades, my mother was very impressedI hope my life and my family will be more and more happy!我改变了多少人们改变英语作文我的变化他们的外貌,性格和爱好我已经在我的生活;我过去是安静的,但是现在我很外向和活跃我经常参加各种各样的活动我过去讨厌体育课,现在它是我最喜欢的课我过去走路去学校,现在我骑自行车去上学这是一件好事还是坏事?随着我们长大,我们可以有很多变化我真的改变。



这篇英语作文将围绕“changes in my life”这个主题展开,介绍我生活中的一些变化可以从个人成长学习工作家庭生活等方面入手,描述具体的变化和对我的影响正文Changes in My Life In the past few years, many c。

我的变化的小学英语作文1 As I learn more and grow up gradually, I change in many aspects My teachers say I study harder and my parents say I am more sensible than before As for me, I want to l。

2 运用一般过去时写6句话英语作文我的变化 I was in sixth grade this year, my mother said I changed I used naughty, do not love learning Now, I#39m civilized and sensible, hard to learn My body also grow tall。




1、2 英语作文 我的变化 The change of my life My life has changed a lot in the last few yearsI used to be shy and with very little confidence,because I was not learning too well in schoolI was the lowest rank。

2、这是我不久之前写的,还有中英对照 英语作文写自己的变化 The change of my lifeMy life has changed a lot in the last few yearsI used to be shy and with very little confidence,because I was not learning too well。


4、这是我在其他地方找的,希望帮上你的忙描写人物之前和现在的英语作文 Years old clas *** ates finally found her way to school I always remember when Big eyes like a clear spring water bay, petite。



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