

1、very tall她非常高重点词汇 very tall参天 双语例句 以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考 1 She is very tall,and she has blonde hair她身材高挑,一头金发2 Amy used to be short,but she is very tall now埃米。

2、看它很高为verytall中文你解答,敬请采纳,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck。

3、Big Ben ,大本钟或译作大笨钟,是位于伦敦 威斯敏斯特宫 北端钟楼的一个大报时钟,这个钟楼也称 伊丽莎白塔 威斯敏斯特宫是英国国会上议院和下议院的所在地This is big ben,it,s very tall这是大本钟,它。


5、Two of them are tall 其中两个很高 The man on the top left is very tall 左上角的那个人很高 He is 6 feet 3 inches tall, which is about 19 metersverytall中文他身高6英尺3英寸约19米 The woman on the top right。

6、罗恩·斯特朗中士身材高大健硕,verytall中文他不得不放弃跑步He has an abundance of brown hair, tall and straight nose, and a pair of big eyes and tall, and very thin他有着一头浓密的棕色的头发,挺拔的的鼻子,以及。

7、就40个词啊,看这个My English teacher#39s name is Li Ming ,he is very tall and thin ,he is handsome and he is my favourate teacher ,MrLi is a so kind and funny man ,I like to talk with him ve。

8、一般疑问句is this boy very tall肯定回答yes,he is否定句this boy is not very tall望采纳,谢谢。

9、adj 高的 短语tall grass 茂草高茎草 tall fescue 高羊茅植牛尾草 tall story 难以置信的故事 tall ship n 高桅横帆船 例句He was very tall and plainly dressed他个子很高,穿着朴素She ordered。

10、very tall but always bring me security I have a lovely motherWhen I was wrong,My mother is always helped me with patience I am very grateful to my parents中文翻译我爱我的家,我爱我的家庭,我有。

11、She#39s very tall, as is her mother 她个子很高,跟她妈一样这句话中的as 是关系代词,代替逗号前面的整个句子,引起一个定语从句,并在定语从句中充当主语因此这个句子不存在倒装现象。

12、1500list 带中文释义的ltAa art一个件 or conj 或者 an art 一个,件,able adj 有能力的能干的about prep关于 above prep 在上面accept vt接受 accident n 事故意外的事 accu。

13、many very very tall buildings 这是英语形容词词序问题,当数个形容词形容某名词时,形容得最贴近那名词的形容词,越靠近该名词tall 直接形容建筑物的状态本质,而very 则是形容 tall 的副词,所以 v。


15、No one at home, so everything is very quiet12当我打电话给他时,他正在做作业12 when I called him, he was doing his homework13在我已经吃完晚饭以后,我去上学13 in I have dinner after, I go to。


17、Good morning,everyoneI‘d like to introduce to you my parentsMy father is a policemanHe is very tall and strongI‘m very proud of him My mother is a teacherShe is thin and has long hair。




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