

1、2节省燃料 在线购物的一个优点是不需要车辆,因此不需要购买燃料threeHate Waiting in Lines – The idea of shopping online is cutting down those bad habits of standing in a long line and just;Therefore, we should pay more attention when shopping on the Internet因此,当我们网购的时候应该多注意网络购物英语作文篇三 Nowadays with the ever rapid development and increasing popularity of the information;写作思路及要点围绕网上购物,举出网上购物的利与弊,最后总结自己的想法Nowadays, online shopping has become one of the most popular ways of shopping Going out shopping has become a kind of leisure walk如今。

2、shopping The phenomenon of stealing pictures, confusing fake goods with real ones and shoddy goods with good ones is serious诚信问题和假货问题是网购中比较突出的问题,盗图现象,以假乱真,以次充好现象严重;有关网购的优缺点的初中英语作文篇1 In current society, shopping on the Interent is becoming more and more popular It has many advantages and disadvartages Advantages shopping on the Internet is convient;写作思路可以将网上购物的优点和缺点都详细地介绍一下,先说一下优点,比如网上购物非常的便利,不必浪费大量精力和宝贵时间等等再说一下缺点,比如无法亲自试穿,纯在受骗的可能性正文With the development of the;Benefits 1 At home quotshoppingquot without time limit orders 2 A lot of goods to obtain more information, you can not buy local goods3, Online than the traditional cash payment to pay more secure。

3、网购利弊英语作文篇6 The view of online shopping With the popularity of Internet, more and more people like to go shopping online This is not only the representation of the change of people#39s shopping;网购利弊英语作文篇1 With the development of ecommerce, shopping online becomes a new way of shopping which is getting more and more popular Many citizens are likely to shop through internet。


4、对于那些喜欢在不同的商店购物,网上购物可能会使他们无聊 在我看来,网上购物有更多的优点比缺点,改善电子商务,将会有更多的人在网上购物 网购的利弊英语作文含翻译 篇2 Twoeleven will be to come, I do not know whether;Have you ever bought anything via the internet? Some of the major companies such as Taobao, Amazon and ebay gain a lot of money from buyers on the internetWe have access to nearly everything on Earth;我们谈论的优点和缺点,如果这些天网上购物一些学生认为这是非常方便我们去购物在互联网上这家商店就行了,每天24小时开放,这样我们就可以买东西,我们要在任何时候,如果你喜欢更重要的是,我们没有必要在队列中等待;网购的弊端一是实物和网络照片会有差距二是不能试穿触摸实物,可能规格不符合自己三是网络支付存在安全隐患等等网上购物要选择正规的途径,以免遭受损失写作模板参考 Advantages and disadvantages of online shopping;一写作思路 这是一道辨析题,所以内容需要全面,既包括网购的好处,也包括网购的坏处,形成对比开头可以直接带出话题,比如我认为网购的利弊主要体现在这几个方面,中间展开好处和坏处,各列举一下观点,结尾提出关于网购的;网购的好处和坏处英文介绍如下写作思路写出网购的优点和缺点,对于优点和缺点,分开举例说明正文With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers,shopping on the Internet has become a commo;advanced enough,which also affects our decisionLast but not last, the disadvantages of the system of the delivery may make them put off the meeting time In all,we should treat this question ironically;可以就网络的利弊开始辨析,举例生活中的好坏处With the rapid development of our society, more and more people are fond of online shopping for its convenience Online shopping has been a heated fashion But。



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