

在英语中前天英语,没有“前天”,所以只能这样说 the morning before yesterday。

1大后天Three days from now 2大前天Three days ago 一这张银行票据前天到期前天英语了The bank note expired the day before yesterday二勤奋的含义是今天的热血,而不是明天的决心,后天的保证Diligence means。

英语一般有两种问日期的方式1What day isittoday?2What’s the date today?例句What day isit today? It’s Wednesday Today is WednesdayWhat’s the date today? It’s March 20th。

是的,这些短语在英语句子 当中都是时间状语把它们翻译成英语,上周末 last weekend 昨天晚上yeserday evening 上周一,last Monday 昨天 yesterday 前天 the day before yesterday。

Yesterday was SundayThere were some clouds in the sky in the morningAt the day before yesterday ,the weather were very bad。

大后天the day after tomorrow 前天晚上the evening of the day before yesterday 前天早晨the morning of the day before yesterday 大后天中午the noon of 3 days later 英语中很多用“of”结构作为修饰成分几个。




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