

1、Extolled as quotOriental Operaquot, Beijing Opera is a genuine national quintessence of ChinaIt originated from many kinds of ancient local operas, especially huiban in southern ChinaBy the end of the 19th Century被誉为的英语;被认为It is thought that+从句 It is thought that they are right被称为be called 我可以被称为任何一件事物,因为,我无所失去I could be called anything because I stand to lose nothing被看做 be regarded;Someone is hornored as Someone is hailed as如,Yuan Long ping is hornored as the father of hybrid rice袁隆平被誉为杂交水稻之父。



3、被誉为的英语你好,“我的家乡被誉为 蔬菜之乡 玉器之乡” 翻译成英语是my hometown is known as the hometown of vegetables and the hometown of jade 希望帮到你,满意请采纳;Surrounded by water, houses built by the water, known as quotthe first village Chinaquot;在他生前的大多数时间里,他的艺术不为公众所理解和接受通过他的坚持,最后对19世纪所有常规绘画价值提出了挑战塞尚的最大成就是对色彩与明暗具有前所未有的精辟分析,颠覆了以往的视觉透视点因此,他被誉为“现代艺术;For this reason, she is always known as the pioneer of American modern poetry;1被称为用英语go by the name of,英 ɡ#601#650 ba#618 #240#601 ne#618m #594v 美 ɡo#650 ba#618 #240#601 ne#618m #601v2这座城市被称为美国;问题一quot又被称为quot英语怎么说 It is also known as 或It has another name问题二quot被人们称为quot用英语怎么说被誉为的英语? be named with 被人们称为 问题三quot被称为quot的英文怎么说 被称为 翻译Go by the;袁隆平被誉为杂交水稻之父 Yuan longping is known as the father of hybrid rice 用一般现在时啊,因为这是个客观事实,一直存在的永远的头衔所以用一般现在时例句袁隆平是世界著名的农学家,被誉为“杂交水稻之父”。

4、Xinyang Maojian Tea is one of the top ten tea, known as the king of Green Tea。

5、title vt赋予头衔,头衔,名称 award vt颁发,赏给 honour vt尊敬,授予荣誉,承兑,实践 改成被动语态就行了,在这些词前加 BE 如,Liu Xiang was awared by the Gold Metal in last Olympic Games被称为be called;你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下He is known as the king of pop希望我的回答对你有帮助;New York City,the world#39s largest financial center,one of the largest city of usa,every move affects the world economy,the ups and downsWas hailed as the world capital。



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