

Matterhorn for strawberries Mark Twain 如果俯瞰英语你为俯瞰英语了俯瞰大地上的各个王国而登上了雄伟的马特峰,竟在山顶上发现了草莓,这也许是令人愉快的事但是你不是为了草莓才去攀登上山峰的 马克*吐温;Surfing is an old tradition activity of the Polynesian people楼主,已替你 用最贴切的英语译出,只不过我觉得你最後一句与其馀全文,似毫无关连,因为马尔代夫在印度洋,而波里尼西亚则在太平洋。

VERB居高临下俯瞰清楚地看到 If a place commands a view, especially an impressive one, you can see the view clearly from that place如 The hill commands a fine viewIf a person commands a view of;survey n 调查测量审视纵览 vt 调查 serve vt 招待,供应为服务对有用可 servey 网络释义 be alright with you #187 你可以吗 servey #187。

1look after 照料 2look back 与on, to连用回想,记起 停滞不前 3look down on 轻视,看不起 4look forward to 盼望期待5look in 顺便看望短暂访问 6look on 1常与as连用旁观 2看作;vt 俯瞰,眺望调查,审视,概括地观察测量,勘定C俯视C概观,调查测量 词形变化 时 态sur·veyed, sur·vey·ing, sur·veys 名 词sur·vey#39or 常用短语 exploratory survey 探索调查 英英解释 3个名词解释 a。

“市场调研”quotMarket Researchquot。


1、是的在英语中,同一个词,表示多重意思且不同词义之间的差别很大的情况很常见~就以overlook为例,它作及物动词,确实有“忽视未看到俯视不理会”的意思作为“忽视”的例句He seems to have overlooked。

2、vt 调查勘测俯瞰 n 调查表,调查所,测量,测量部,测量图概观,检查,鉴定书环顾 例句In general, the survey showed problems with postnatal hospital care总体而言,调查显示医院的产后护理存在问题5。

3、You can overlook the whole city rom the top of the mountain 或From the top of the mountain,you can overlook the whole city。

4、她的英语口语很熟练5电脑指令C6视界俯瞰S动变 commanded commanded commanding 名复 commands 五order n1顺序,次序UThe names are in alphabetical order名字按字母顺序排列2整齐,有条理。

5、overlook用法 一overlook的基本含义是从高处向下看,即“俯视” 也可指“忽视”,即出于无心或由于匆忙而对某人或某物未给予应有的或足够的重视注意或忽略做某事引申还可指“原谅”,即有意宽容别人的失误,对某。

6、It was established on the Yueyang ancient city,backing the city,overlooking the Donfting Lake,facing the Junshan island,linking the Yangze River in north and Xiangjiang river in the south。


1、overlook,neglect,ignore都有忽略忽视的意思1ignore v忽视,不理睬,指有意识地拒绝She saw him coming but she ignored him她看见他走过来,但是装作没看见2neglect v忽视,忽略,疏忽,指无意识地。

2、The column on the square, stands the statue of the Happy Prince, he could overlook every corner of the city The Happy Prince during his lifetime living a happy life Thought everyone as happy as their。

3、survey vt调查收入,民意等 测量, 勘定, 审视, 视察, 俯瞰, 通盘考虑 survey可译为“纵观”。


5、问题一英语词组“调查”怎么说 survey 调查勘测俯瞰 ?sve? for v sve?inquiry 探究调查质询 ?n#39kwa?r?investigate 调查研究 ?n#39vest?ge?t research 研究调查 r?#39st? #39ri?st。


标签: 俯瞰英语



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