

surfing 冲浪的英语例句风帆冲浪可能紧张吃力,但却非常刺激Wind surfing can be strenuous but immensely exciting到冬季,他就穿上橡皮紧身衣去冲浪In wintertime he will don a wet suit and go right on surfing;上网有很形象的说法,一般用“冲浪”的这个动词来表示上网的“上”,即 surf至于“网”,则用 Internet 表示即可上网surf the internet例句Do you often surf the internet冲浪英语?其他的说法还有get surf online。

风筝冲浪 网络 Kitesurfing Kite surfing kiteboarding例句考虑到这一点,我在动身去参加年度“家庭风帆冲浪风筝冲浪聚会”时,做冲浪英语了比平日更为充分的准备With this in mind, I set off on the annual fam;Surfing is the term is used for a surface water sport in which the person surfing moves along the face of a breaking ocean wave the quotsurfquot However, surfing is not restricted to saltwater, but can。

quotsurfsquot是一个英语单词,表示“冲浪者”的意思;冲浪运动英语surfing 冲浪,一种以海浪为动力的极限运动,起源于澳大利亚,是波利尼西亚人的一项古老文化冲浪运动是运动员先俯卧或跪在冲浪板上,用手划到有适宜海浪的地方作起点当海浪推动冲浪板滑动时,运动员使冲浪。

下面文章主要从浪的特点和冲浪的细节来进行叙述I finally reached the seaside,and I saw rows of waves surging like hills on the sea,rushing to the shore like sky and thunder On the beach,some people who;在周末 on at weekends一周两次 twice one week 上网冲浪 surf the internet 阅读 do some reading 一个月三次 three times a month 读英语书 read English books 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! *^__^*。

网上冲浪 词典 surf the Internet surf on the internet surf online例句事情很简单,那就是对大多数人来说,网上冲浪费用太高The simple fact is that, for most people, surfing is too expensive。


1、go to n 这里的N一般是一个抽象名词并且整个短语表示去做一件相关的什么事情如go to school, school作为一个抽象名词,整个短语表示去上学go to the n N是一个具体名词,表示去到一个具体的地方go to the。


3、介绍冲浪的英语作文Surfing is the term is used for a surface water sport in which the person surfing moves along the face of a breaking ocean wave the quotsurfquot However, surfing is not restricted to。


4、发烧是have a fever,也经常说have a temperature,比较口语化 PS建议你还是尊重一下你们英语老师,上课还是听吧,不过要批判性地听,选择性接受,哈哈!当然,包括对百度知道里边的回答!再附点专业的Internet,internet, Intranet。


1、like surfing the internet 上面的怎么都说这么长啊,别以为越长越好啊,句子就要精辟,surf是及物动词,也是不及物动词,干嘛不用及物动词呢,直接surf the internet就行啦,我高中的老师都这样说的。

2、网上冲浪”用英语 surf the Internetsurf on linesurf on the internet例句 1 No one knows how many people currently surf the Net 没人知道现在有多少人在网上冲浪2 The simple fact is that, for。

3、lt撑杆跳高,LongJump跳远,Walking竞走,Diving跳水 还蛮多运动的单词想要学会所有的运动的单词,不妨试试这家英语在线学机构,免费试听课地址如果想快速提高自己的英语水平可以选择英语。

4、冲浪英语说法 surfing 冲浪的英语例句 风帆冲浪可能紧张吃力,但却非常刺激Wind surfing can be strenuous but immensely exciting到冬季,他就穿上橡皮紧身衣去冲浪In wintertime he will don a wet suit and go。

5、网上冲浪”用英语surf the Internet 例As a reward, I let her surf the internet this afternoon作为一种奖励,我让她今天下午上网了词汇解析 1surf 英s#604#720f美s#605fn 海浪。



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