

跟汉语拼音一样啊杭州用英语怎么说,就是Hangzhou不过第一个字母大写罢了下面的链接可以看到杭州的一些著名景点的英语写法html 参考资料html;Introduction of HangZhou Capital of Zhejiang Province杭州用英语怎么说, Hangzhou is a tourist city well known at home and abroad It lieson the lower reaches of the Qiantang River and is the southern end of the l,794kllo。

您好,译成英语Today I will introduce you something about Hangzhou希望对您有帮助;注意前面一定也要有the实词的首字母要大写问题四杭州西湖用英语怎么说 the West Lakein Hangzhou问题五西湖在哪里 用英语怎么说 where is the West Lake 问题六“杭州因西湖而出名”英语怎么说 is。

I live in hangzhou,zhejiang注英语中小地点放前,大地点放后。



杭州Hangzhou is one of the important tourism cities in China, famous for its natural beauty and historical and cultural heritages Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province It is the political, economic。

我去了杭州,穿了古装的英文翻译_百度翻译 我去了杭州,穿了古装 I went to Hangzhou and wore a costume 我去了杭州,穿了古装的英文翻译_百度翻译 我去了杭州,穿了古装 I went to Hangzhou and wore a costume。

我来自中国杭州的英文I#39m from Hangzhou, China 一from 英 fr#601m 美 fr#652mprep表示时间从表示原因因为表示来源来自表示分离与分离隔开二Hangzhou 英 #712。

杭州 Hangchow台州 Taichow宁波 Ningpo黑龙江 the Amur R哈尔滨 Harbin山东 Shangtung济南 Tsinan青岛 Tsingtao河南 Honan开封 K’aifeng郑州 Chengchow湖北 Hupei汉口 Hankow四川Szechuan成都。

3 中国人很喜欢和茶,杭州有中国最著名的茶叶龙井茶 3 Chinese people love and tea, Hangzhou#39s most famous Chinese tea Longjing tea 龙井茶长在龙井山上,最好的龙井茶是在每年的清明采摘可以说月份。

用中英语介绍杭州景点45句话,谢谢West Lake Hangzhou is located in the western area of Hangzhou City#39s historic center There are dozens of lakes called West Lake worldwide, but quotWest Lakequot usually refers to the。


hangzhou, here i come。

Hangzhou is one of the important tourism cities in China, famous for its natural beauty and historical and cultural heritages Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province It is the political, economic and。

2nd,floor, Laike Building, No1111 Dalian Road, Shanghai, ,Chian 问题四quot地名quot用英语怎么说 杭州用英语怎么说你好地名 Place names 问题五请教英语中地名的表达方法 英文地址都是从小写到大的浙江省杭州市,可以写成。


which are well known for the beautiful West LakeAround the West Lake,there are many parks and historical sitesThere are many holiday visitors paddle swing to parks to spend a good time。

I#39m going to hangzhou 我正去杭州I#39ll go to hangzhou 我会将要去杭州I would to hangzhou 我曾去过杭州I would like to hangzhou 我想去杭州 中文时态不明显,所以杭州用英语怎么说你那三个字,在。



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