

呵呵刚好我初二时写英语作文My favourite cartoon character时写的就是这一篇,后来还被老师当堂念了出来呢,真的很开心诶你喜欢就拿去用吧,但怎么也要有点悬赏嘛~My favourite cartoon character My favourite;quite a few people becomes a buddy right away because of that the road flies is straightforward!蒙其D路飞,是要成为海贼王的男人脸上的疤痕,就是为了证明自己够狠吃了橡胶果实的他,拥有一群能干,不离不弃,的。


1、4 quot不管你身在何处,不管你遇到什么困难,都要相信自己,坚持自己的信念quot海贼王5 quot不要轻易地放弃,因为你不知道下一秒会发生什么quot进击的巨人6 quot只要你不放弃,就一定会有机会quot银魂。


2、quot ONE PIECE quot in the story as quot one piece quot The legendary #39 one piece #39, D Roger say he died before leaving with wealth, fame, power of the world first quot ONE PIECE quot, many people in order to。

3、one piece海贼王There once lived a pirate named, Gold Roger He obtained Wealth, Fame, and Power to earn the title as the Pirate King When he was captured and about to be executed He reveals that。

4、dream When I was a child to the dead friend Guina agreed to become the world#39s largest Jian Hao, with seven Wu Hai, one of the world #39s largest Jian Hao Mihawk duel was in the chest cut a broadsw。


6、写作思路根据自己的实际情况把自己的家乡详细地描述一下,中心要明确,语言要通顺等等正文My home is in a small county Although the county is small and old, there are no highrise buildings in the city。

7、Deceive the person D The road flies , is king#39s man need to become a sea poacher The scar on the face, is that self is rather relentless for the certificate Have eaten rubber fruit#39s he, owns。


1、Is a hot blooded diffuse The legendary #39One Piece#39 author D Roger before his death he left with wealth,fame, power the world#39s first treasure quotONE PIECEquot,many people in order to compete for the quotONE。

2、they have common destinyBecause they are partner,they,never leave and forsake海贼王是一个关于梦想的故事九个人,九个不同的梦想虽然他们怀着不同的信念和梦想,但他们对困难无所畏惧,无论敌人多么强大都一起。

3、呵呵刚好我初二时写英语作文My favourite cartoon character时写的就是这一篇,后来还被老师当堂念了出来呢,真的很开心诶你喜欢就拿去用吧,但怎么也要有点悬赏嘛~ My favourite cartoon character My favourite cartoon characte。



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