

1 He is always fortunate unfortunate 2 Don#39t always envy other#39s luck正好用英语怎么说, you need to try harder by yourself 3 I don#39t know why正好用英语怎么说, bad lucks are always with me these years I can#39t do anything;It正好用英语怎么说,adjust,to,take,a,walk;very用作形容词,表示“实在的,真正的”“极端的”,在句中用作定语表示“正好”时,very是形容词,用来修饰名词,和the,this,that,my,your,his连用,位于the, this,my等限定词后this is the very reverse of;Methods 113 cases that get normal eye position after strabi *** us surgery are chosen as research subjects问题二“”正好适合散步”用英语怎么说 It#39s just right for walking 问题三它大小正合适的英语;刚好 Justexactlyright 不同语言环境中的“正好刚好”用词不同正好用英语怎么说我正好 在学法语 I happened to be learning French调料放的正合适 The ingredients were just right。

Right now,my grandmother#39s house has a cute dogIt happens that there is a cute dog in my grandma#39s houseExactly,there is a cute dog in my grandmother#39s house;Just right 这个短语表示正好恰到好处当某件事情或状态完美地满足你的期望,你可以说它是 quotjust rightquot 的例如,你在烹饪中掌握了适当的调味时间和量,使得菜肴的味道恰到好处,你可以说 quotThe dish is seasoned;The sun is shining 重点词汇释义 正好just in time just right happen to chance to flat 例句他抬头一看,那荒野紧缩了,凝结了林中那片空地,他寻找的那棵树,那灌木,那只表和指南针闪着光,一缕阳光正好;正好用英语怎么说just in time双语例句1The clock is just ticking away, precisely ticking away 时钟正好嘀嗒嘀嗒地走着,准确地走着2My friend and I are exactly the same age, we were born on the sa;主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时Hardlywhen也常放在句首 例Hardly had we gotten there when it began to rain可以翻译成正好 恰好 还可以用 be about to do when 也可以翻译成这个意思的 如果是写。


正好的 Just right 问题八正要做什么,恰好发生when英语短语 例句I am reading when my mum es inI am reading when my mum is cooking问题九用英语怎么说“恰好和他是同路” to happen to go to the;正好的英语单词是coincidence一定义及解释 正好的英语单词可以被称为巧合coincidence巧合是指两个或多个事件或情况在时间地点或其他方面的不经意的相遇或共同发生在语言中,巧合指的是两个或多个单词在拼写;你好,正好是just in time just right happen to chance to flat exactly是恰恰确切地精确地完全地,全然 谢谢;“正好”的英语单词是“exactly”读作英式读音#618ɡ#712z#230ktli美式读音#618ɡ#712z#230ktli释义exactly是一个副词,表示完全准确地或无误地用法 He arrived exactly on。

正好的英语翻译是exactly一意思adv 精确地确切地完全地严密地正是 二读音英 #618ɡ#39z#230ktli,美 #618ɡ#39z#230ktli三例句The train arrived at exactly 8 o#39clock火车。



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