

1、Define 三好学生 1 merit student three good student good in study, attitude and healthtriple A student 这两种说法都可以。


2、三好学生没有标准翻译,因为国外至少是美国没这种东西三好学生英语我觉得翻译成allround student就行了,否则can#39t make sense后面两个可翻译成excellent leader activitist 作为对楼上三好学生英语的补充 以上;在校期间学习努力,通过了英语四级,并取得了很好的六级成绩先后获得了系优秀三好学生称号三等奖学金等In my college life, i spent most of my time on study i have passed CET46 with a ease and have;三好学生 merit studentthree good studentgood in study,attitude and health积极分子 active member 参考资料金山词霸;三好学生翻译为 merit student或者翻译为 three good student good in study, attitude and health备注如果着重强调“三好”的话,用three good student比较妥贴,括号中内容也可写上如果泛指“三好”,也就是泛指;分类 教育科学 外语学习 问题描述还有会计助理,一等奖学金怎么说 解析省级三好学生 quotThree Goodsquotstudent of the Province 会计助理 Accountant assistant 一等奖学金 First class scholarship;参加军训join drill 三好学生 merit student three good studentgood in study, attitude and health被评为三好生be reviewed as merit studentbe reviewed as three good student 年段英语竞赛获得三等奖win the;英语四级证好1英语四级证是一种证明英语水平的考试成绩证书,可以用于大学毕业留学求职等方面对于像翻译外贸教育等需要应用英语的行业和领域,英语四级证具有很高的含金量2三好学生是对学生日常表现学业成绩。

3、问题一新生用英语怎么说 rebirth neogenesis rena激cence palingenesis 问题二“获得三号学生称号”用英语怎么说 receive the title of tripleA outstanding student 解释一下三好学生 threegoodstudent TripleA student;merit student 释义三好学生 例句1High school graduates who are merit students or outstanding student cadres will be awarded a10point bonus in college admission据新华社报道今年高考后,部分三好学生和优;Merit Student 三好学生Merit Students复数excellence评优excellenced过去时 be看你是什么时态excellence被动 havehad excellence完成时 都是我自己写的,错了不要怪我啊。

4、校级优秀学生干部 School Outstanding Student Cadre 校级优秀学生School Outstanding Student 优秀团员 outstanding CLP member 获得国家奖学金二等奖,“三好学生”称号,校级奖学金,优秀研究生等Obtained the Second State;三好学生 quotThree Goodsquot student 社区服务积极分子 Activist in community service 军训五好战士 quotFive Goodsquot soldier in military training 以上的词比如quot三好学生”,都是中国特色的词汇,翻译时只能以中国特色来翻译,以下是;three goodsethics,academic performance,health,一般三好学生说成merit students 例如,三好学生翻译成英语,good excellent students;求采纳 问题三“获得三号学生称号”用英语怎么说 receive the title of tripleA outstanding student 解释一下三好学生 threegoodstudent TripleA student merit student Three good studentgood in study, attitude。


