

In order to find a good job兼职用英语怎么说,some college students spend their spare time in doing parttime jobs to which can help accumulate working experienceOthers choose to get professional cerifications to increase;下面是我收集整理的兼职工作英语作文及翻译通用9篇,希望对大家有所帮助 兼职工作英语作文及翻译 篇1 Nowadays it has become fashionable for college students to take a parttime job and this phenomenon arouses heated。

parttime aZ1 部分时间的,非全日的 2 兼任的,兼职的 She is a parttime professor她是一位兼职教授希望能够帮助兼职用英语怎么说你参考资料%BC%E6%D6%B0sr=z=;第一句Many students do parttime work in order to earn more money或 That many students do parttime work is to earn more money第二句In order to go to college, he studies harder than other。



同上回答parttime job 有不知道的可以上google翻译,不过翻译单词还勉强,翻译句子就要自己再斟酌兼职用英语怎么说了。

During the university often use their spare time to do a parttime job, get into the habit of bear hardships and stand hard work。

全职一般就是全日制的,受到公司的一些限制,需要缴纳五险一金而兼职一般就是比较自由,什么时候有时间什么时候可以去做,没多大的限制,管理比较自由,无须考勤,当然工作单位也不需要缴纳五险一金了Fulltime general is。


您好,翻译为 ,quot I think college students should do a parttime job, because it can make us more deeply into the practice of social practice希望帮呼你。

如果选择,就是sparetime job 最常用的是PARTTIME JOB。

写作思路根据题目要求,以“做兼职的好处”作为主题,可以描写自己做兼职的经历或者身边人做兼职的经历,来反应出做这个兼职,对本身有什么帮助,正文My cousin will do some parttime jobs on weekends or holidays。

job的英式读音为d#658#594b,美式读音为d#658ɑ#720bjob 一释义 n 一件工作,活儿,事情 工作 职业 职位 一项任务 作业,工作 职责 责任 东西 犯罪行为尤指偷窃。

Doing a parttime job is not only a way of learning, but also a method of obtainment, as we could benefit a lot from it希望对你有帮助~天上~。

i used to have a lot of part time jobs,such as customer service salesman etc希望能帮到你。



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