

2get out of one#39s way to do sth 意思是设法做某事设法做某事英语,比较强硬并且常用作祈使句例It#39s amazing what people will do to get out of their way to pay taxes人们为逃税而做出设法做某事英语的种种事情令人吃惊。

Be specially eager to do or achieve sth 想方设法做某事或获取某事物 Lay oneself out to do sth 尽力做某事设法做某事英语,想方设法做某事try to do sth manage to do sth。

初二年级的同学们,除了上册的重点英语短语之外,还有很多常用的英语短语等着你们应用呢下面是我给大家整理的初二下英语短语,供大家参阅设法做某事英语! 初二下英语短语1 1 make *** do sth 使某人做某事 2 be afraid of doing sth 害怕。

肯定回答Yes ,please sure ,thanks Yes ,I’d like toYes ,I’d love to 否定回答No, thanks ButSorry ,I’m afraid I can’t 2try to do sth 尽力做某事试图做某事设法做某事。

6放弃做某事 give up doing 7为而死 die for 8照顾 take care of look after 9那时候 at that time 10独自一人 on one’s own 11设法做成某事 manage to do sth 12继续做某事 continue doing 13。

设法做某事 smile at life 笑对生活 give a surprise to sb =give sb a surprise 给某人一个惊喜 put on 上演,放映 put on a short play上演一出短剧 at the English corner 英语角 prepare for 为准备 calm down。


我去了一个英语培训学校去提高我的英语’ve been to Beijing three times我曾经去过北京三次eg-Have you ever been to that city?-Yes, I have你曾经去过那个城市吗是的,去过have has。

作准备105to do sth为了做某事106one’s own thing某人自己的东西107science fiction科幻小说108be like 像一样109help with sth帮助某事110help do sth帮助做某事111try to do sth设法做某事112make sb do sth使。

1 practise doing 练习做某事 2 enjoy doing 喜欢做某事 3 finish doing 完成,结束做某事 4 mind doing 介意做某事 5 avoid doing 避免做某事 6 keepdoing sth一直做某事 keep sbdoing。

2 feel tight 感觉有些紧 3 smell sour 闻上去酸的 4 sound noisy 听上去吵闹的 5 so much food 这么多食物 6 get the food ready把食物准备好 7 can’t wait to do sth迫不及待地做某事 8 hear。

这个句子的前半句, 意思是虽然我的英语不好, 后半句表示转折的意思,虽然没有表示转折的连词but, 因为though和 but不能连用短语manage to do sth,表示设法做某事, 多表示成功做了某事,另一个常见的短语是 make oneself。

try to do sth可表示“试图做某事,但没有做成”,如We tried to stop him smoking in bed but he would do it 我们试图阻止设法做某事英语他在床上吸烟,但他就是不听manage to do sth表示“设法做成某事”,它含有“。

expect to do sth 等待做某事,fear to do sth 惧怕做某事,help to do sth 协助做某事,hope to do sth 希望做某事,learn to do sth 学习做某事,manage to do sth 设法做某事 ,offer to do sth。

2 try 后接不定式表示设法做某事,接动名词表示做某事试试看有什么效果I#39ll try to come tomorrow 我明天设法来Let#39s try knocking at the back door 咱们敲敲后门试试3 mean 后接不定式表示打算想要做某事。



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