

网上商城用英文可以说是“online shopping mall”单词翻译online shopping mall网络购物英语,online表示网络的,shopping表示购物的,mall表示商城单词读音英式发音#712#594nla#618n #712#643#594p#618#。


网络购物英语作文篇一 Shopping on the Internet ,is being more and more popularMore and more people are using the internet to buy something Some people say that it is more convenientThey can just stay。

第一篇英语作文 写作思路这篇作文先介绍了网上购物的发展,然后阐述了网上购物的便利性和优势,最后讨论了它的安全问题和缺点正文Online Shopping Onlin。

1,shopping on the Internet,or shopping online,is being more and more popularMore and more people are using the internet to buy somethingsWhy do people use the internet to shop网络购物英语?Some people say that it。

Nowadays, online shopping has become one of the most popular ways of shopping Going out shopping has become a kind of leisure walk如今,网购已经成为人们的热门购物方式之一,出门购物已经成为一种休闲时的散步。

购物英文,指在零售商拣选或购买货品或服务的行为,可视为一种 经济和休闲活动下面就由我为大家带来关于购物的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获关于购物的相关短语 购物袋 shopping bag购物篮 market basket购物指南。


网上购物有什么好处英语What are the benefits of online shopping 网上购物优点1Save Time – With just a couple of clicks of the mouse, you can purchase your shopping orders and instantly move to other。

网上购物Shopping on the Internet Shopping on the Internet ,is being more and more popularMore and more people are using the internet to buy something Some people say that it is more convenientThey can。


Online shopping become young customers favorite nowadays Online shopping platform such as Taobao, Ebay develop rapidly However, several problems have appeared through the developing processThe price of products。

while the most expensive of that House, you can place an order优点一,可大大节省逛街的时间,一边听着轻快的音乐一边享受网上购物的乐趣而且,还可以把网络购物英语你想要送给朋友的礼物,直接从网上订购后,就能送到你朋友家。

第三,最后但并非最不重要的是网上购物很方便,英语作文 关于网购的看法My View on Shopping Online英语作文既然我们可以在网上买东西,那就没有必要出去寻找我们想买的东西了我们需要做的。


Apart from its convenience for consumers,online shopping can also bring longterm profits to the producers网络购物对消费者来说是便捷,也能带给商家长期的利益Peple won#39t be forced at by those adavertisements。



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