

1、the hidden Peter Pan 答案补充是hidden藏起来英语!原型hide,藏 变成现代分词, 要双写d, 就是hidden 另外小飞侠彼得潘是人名,首字母要大写,就是Peter Pan;Children made Easter eggs and hid them away主语children 谓语madehid 宾语Easter eggsthem 复活节是一个西方的重要节日,在每年春分月圆之后第一个星期日节日期间,人们按照传统习俗把鸡蛋煮熟后涂上红色;幼儿互动,把手藏起来,把手变出来 Hide children interaction, handle, hand out。


2、hide sth from sb 可以指向某人隐瞒某事, 或是把某物藏到某人找不到的地方;The small hand small hand clap and the small hand small hand clap and the small hand small hand clap and the small hand small hand raise, the small hand small hand clap, and the small hand is small to;hide under the desk 藏在桌子底下 如果是隐藏,隐瞒的藏,用conceal If rich, it is easy enough to conceal our wealth, but, if poor, it is not so easy to conceal our poverty如果富有,藏富很容易如果贫穷;躲藏的英文hidev 把藏起来,隐藏躲藏,躲避遮住,遮挡掩盖,隐瞒 n 可观察鸟兽行动的隐匿处,埋伏处兽皮lt非正式困境中的生命,人身安全 短语 hide and seek 捉迷藏 躲猫猫 藏猫猫;2向保守秘密 例句Are you trying to hide sth from me?藏起来英语你是不是有什么事想瞒着我。

3、hide的基本意思是“把藏起来”,可指故意地藏匿不被人发现,也可指偶然或无意地隐藏,有时还指客观上某物被另一物所掩盖hide可引申作“掩饰”解,通常用于事实感情等方面hide还可引申作“隐瞒”解,其后常接事实;艾弗森艾弗森的自传 “我心无畏”当我出生时我的世界黑了,矮檐下,昏暗的房间,我的皮肤,并在周围的那种冷漠而疯狂的眼睛人的眼睛我没有长高了,所以我应该是最快乐的童年,我知道人类的自私与猥亵,在这样一;我是平凡的,喜欢你却是不平凡的 ,我会把它藏起来,十年之后再找回来I am the one who is an ordinary but loving you extraordinarily I will hide it and get it back again ten years laterI am an ordinary;根据该词后面的To find their food again可知,stash应该是“藏起来”的意思14 B标题归纳题综合全文内容特别是第一段中的Can animals remember events that happened a few years ago和最后一段中的the animals might be;藏起来=hidehide in the grassgrass 先杀法师,先晕DPS,先控制坦克=kill mage 1stfirst先,stun that XXX 1st, cc the tank集合推中=together for mid 他真牛B=heshe is a freak,如果你说im a freak;when lily lived in china,she __studied___study chinese history a lot填空jack s_tored__ his toy cars under his bed杰克把他的玩具车贮存在他的床下翻译加填do one#39s hobby翻译这个短语不;捉迷藏 hide and seek 英 ha#618d #601nd #601n #230nd si#720k美 ha#618d #601nd, #601n,#230nd sik例They played at hide and seek in the garden。

4、eclipse英 #618#39kl#618ps,美 #618#39kl#618psn 日或月食丧失没落vt 形成日或月食使 黯然失色 过去式 eclipsed 过去分词 eclipsed 现在分词 eclipsing 第三人称单数 eclipse;使生活如此美丽的,是我们藏起来的真诚和童心 What makes life so beautiful is the sincerity and childish innocence that we have hoarded at heart。

标签: 藏起来英语



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