

We can do farm work我能做什么英文,pasture and ride horses in the farm 我能做什么英文我们能在农场种地放牧和骑马;I can stay at home doing something I love,like reading,watching TV as well as helping my parents with housework。

我能做什么英文我能做什么,我想做什么,我该做什么的英文What can I do? What do I want to do? What should I do?can 读法 英 k#230n 美 k#230n1aux 能能够有机会可能被允许 2n 圆柱形;I can do everything 若是ANYTHING,就是“任何事情”。

quotWhat do you think I can do?quot。


1、答案是i am helpful at home ,i can help my mother cook the meals ,i can sweep the floor ,i can clean my bedroom ,i can fold the clothes and i can put away clothes but i can#39t wash the windows。

2、问题三我能为你做些什么? 用英语如何翻译 What can I do for you?这句话经常用在为别人提供帮助或服务的时候用,比如讨好女孩,或者营业员见到顾客的时候就可以说 问题四我能帮你什么 我能为你做什么 用英语。

3、What can we do?We can use less water and plant more treesWhat will future be like?Cities will become more crowded and pollution will become more seriosEveryone should do something to protect the。

4、我能做 句式是 I can I can + 动词词组 例如 游泳,go swimming 跑步,go running 看电视,watch TV 套进句式就是 我能游泳,I can go swimming我能跑步,I can go running我能看电视,I can。

5、What can I do for you?May I help you?How can I hep you?一楼第二个应改为What can I do to help you。

6、二楼的严重语法错误!只能 because i can do what i like 或者是because i can do what i like to do 高中时候就有很多靠类似语法点的题目。

7、2 写一个关于我会做什么的英语作文 I am xxx ,i am a good boygirl ,I can do many housework at home After I go back to home ,I can help my mother do some washing and weep the floor。

8、我还能说什么的英文What else can I say 问题一英语翻译,我还能说什么What else can I say!表示无奈的“我还能说什么”的英语What can I say more?我还能说什么 用英文怎么说What else could I say?用。


“我能行”的英文I can do itcan 读法 英 k#230n 美 k#230n短语1can do 能做到做得到 2how can 怎么能够哪能怎会 3can only 只得 示例I don#39t have a pen Can yon。

How can I do? What can I do? 这两个的意思一样,是同义句,What can I do for you?和How can I do for you?是我能为你做什么。




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