

1、He goes to his office where he found everybody dead Other spies wanted to kill him, so he takes refuge with Julie Christie At her 6 found英语作文我们如何学习英语写一篇100字左右的英语作文,加上翻译,谢谢拉, In order tofound英语作文;写作思路通过失物招领这个中心词,写出一篇英语作文,体现出失物招领这个含义正文When I came to school this morning,I found an Oxford Dictionary, which is the sixth printing on the ground of school gate我;and keep a good moodTomorrow will be better总之,不同的人有不同的生活态度但是每个人都想过健康的生活谨记,做更多的锻炼,吃更多的蔬菜并保持一个好心情明天会更好来自yh3057英语牛人团;FOUND A handbag with some money and a notebook was left in the school garden this morning Nov 18th Will the owner please come to Room 301,Building 14 and get it 我的家英语作文 There are;英语作文范文失物招领 篇2this afternoon, i found a handbag in the playground there is a pen, a notebook and keys in it besides, there is a wallet with credit cards and some money in it my;if you not, gloomy look back,that person but in the lights dim, fire at Omelets are not made without breaking eggs As good lost as found Peopleblindly pursue perfect will make the fever had covered;回答心急如焚,哎。

2、题目要求假如你是李明明,遗失found英语作文了一个本书,请你用英语写一张50字左右的寻物启示,文章中应该包含1书在哪里遗失的2这本书对你很重要3拾到者应该如何和你联系参考范文Notice I lost a book in the。

3、3 Found英语作文 This afternoon, I found a handbag in the playground There is a pen, a notebook and keys in it今天下午,我在操场拾到一个包,里面有一支笔一本笔记本和钥匙Besides, there is;FOUND When I came to school this morning, I found an Oxford Dictionary, which is the sixth printing on the ground of school gate I was afraid it would be demaged if nobody piched it up And I stoo;FoundI am very sad,beacause my watch is lostThat is my favorite watchIf you find it ,please call me at 1234569LostThere is a watch in my houseIs that yours? Call 4567890。


4、1 求一篇50字写寻物启事的英语作文,急啊 Lost and FoundMy name is Li Mingming, I lost a Green#39s Fairy Tales book in the park yesterday I am very worried because it is very important for me;1 Lost and Found I lost my wallet on the bus yesterday It contains my ID card, credit card and some cash If anyone found it, please contact me as soon as possible Thank you!我昨天在公交车上丢了。

5、寻物启事的英语作文 篇5 Found I left a red school bag in the readingroom on the evening of Many 16th There are two English books,a pencilbox , an MP3 player and the key to the bike in it Now I’m very;Last month was OctoberI love October because it is the month weather gets cooler,sky cleaner,air fresherI like it also because it is also the month I was bornMy birthday reminds me of my parents#39。



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