

不言而喻英文是It goes without saying关于不言而喻不言而喻的拼音是bù yán ér yù不言而喻英语,意思是不必说就能明白不言而喻不言而喻英语,汉语词语不言而喻英语,拼音bù yán ér yù,意思是指不用说就可以明白形容道理很浅显偏;speak for itselftell its own storytell its own talego without sayingselfevident这要看句子的语境的 我下面举几个例子1Her intelligence is selfevident她的聪颖是不言而喻的2Naturally enough,the。

3不言而喻go without sayingtell one#39s own tale4青年人的教育对于一个国家的未来是至关重要的It is important for the future of a country to educate its young people5这学期我们都学习的不错,我;借喻不直接说出所要说的事物,而使用另一个与之相关的事物名称I以容器代替内容,例如1The kettle boils水开不言而喻英语了2The room sat silent全屋人安静地坐着II以资料工具代替事物的名称,例如Lend me;1不言而喻 拼音bù yán ér yù 英语speak for itself 解释 言说明喻了解,明白不用说就可以明白形容道理很明显成语出处 战国·孟轲孟子·尽心上“君子所性,仁义礼智根于心,其生色也晬;lt goes with saying that不言而喻,常言道长宁天山英语组;开头句型 1As far as hellipis concerned 就helliphellip而言 2It goes without saying thathellip 不言而喻,hellip3It can be said with certainty thathellip 可以肯定地说helliphellip4As。

go without saying不言而喻英语学习方法 第一自信的说英语英语是一门语言,最重要的事说出口,很多同学学习英语的时候不敢说出来,怕人家笑话,虽然学的很好,却成了“哑巴英语”要想学好英语,那就勇敢自信的说;一开头句型 1As far as is concerned 就而言 2It goes without saying that 不言而喻,3It can be said with certainty that 可以肯定地说4As the proverb says, 正如谚语所说的,5It;英语needless to say的字面意思是不需要说的事实,可以翻译成不言而喻,通常指一些大家都明白的事实或道理。

不言而喻 一般这样说 It goes without saying that 例句Her intelligence is selfevident她的聪颖是不言而喻的Naturally enough,the Americans won most of the events不言而喻,美国人赢得了多数项目take f;It goes without saying that成语翻译不言而喻 不言而喻英语怎么说 不言而喻 It goes without saying that英语翻译 We hold these truth to be selfevident, that all men are created equal, that 罚hey;不得不说的是不言而喻英语你必须要仔细准备好你演奏所需要的一切材料It goes without saying that in order to speak good English, we must first of all learn good pronunciation 不言而喻,为了讲好英语,首先必须学好发音;We are so proud of our high quality new products which helps a lot to improve the image of our companyThe image of our company has been significatly improved不言而喻,科学技术的发展对中国现代化是至关;不言而喻It can be said with certainty that 可以肯定地说,As the proverb says, 正如谚语所说的It has to be noticed that 它必须注意到It#39s generally recognized that 它普遍认为,It。




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