

1、to get your forgiveness for my mistake I know you are fairly broadminded To show my sincerity, I will have another party for you It will be pleasant to invite you here 全文你参考这个“英语作文网;To my dear friendAugust 23dear friend,Remember道歉信英语作文? We are best friends, because that gap we had a misunderstanding, my dear friend I’m sorry, I misunderstood you, forgive me? I gave you a lot of trouble;Dear Zhang,I am really sorry to tell you that I was unable to attend your birthday party yesterday evening That is owing to the fact that my old friends visited my house without telling me the exact;写作思路根据题目要求,以放假没有写好作业向老师致歉为主题,以检讨作为主线,描写出自己为何没有写好作业,并且进行道歉,正文Dear teacher亲爱的老师I#39m sorry that I didn#39t finish my homework in winter;Dear Mrs White,I just learned from my son the terrible news that my dog had crimbed over the fence and destroyed the flowers in your backyard garden I feel awfully sorry after hearing about this bad。

2、Dear neighborhood Hello! My best neighborhood, we have not seen for a few weeks A few days ago, I held a party in my house There were a lot of friends coming to the party We played games, sang;Dear ,I#39am so sorry for not attending your English classes last weekI should have come,but I have to participate in the debate competition on behalf of the school pleas forgive my absenceI hope;高中英语作文道歉信范文篇1 Dear Tom,Irsquom very sorry that I canrsquot go on a trip to Beijing with you next weekend, which I have promised youIrsquom writing to tell you the reason for it;道歉是一种重要的交际活动,和道谢许诺命令一样,与人们的日常生活密切相关下面是我带来的 道歉信 英语 作文 万能 句子 ,欢迎大家阅读!道歉信英语作文万能句子篇一 道歉信是指因过失或疏忽做错道歉信英语作文了事;失约道歉信英语作文篇一dear alan,i#39m writing to apologize about last thursday i am terribly sorry that i didn#39t go to see you, for i lost my wallet anyway, i found it but it was too late for。

3、Dear teacher亲爱的老师I#39m sorry that I didn#39t finish my homework in winter vacation The reason why I didn#39t finish my homework was that I didn#39t have much time to do it我很抱歉,我寒假没有完成;5068初中网道歉信初中英语作文大全,今天浅陌和大家分享一下初中英语作文道歉信怎么写,赶紧来看看吧A Letter of Apology Dear neighborhood Hello! My best neighborhood, we have not seen for a few weeks A;Hello, Jean ! I am writing to say sorry to you for quarrelling with you the other day I have know that you lost my book by accident but not on purpose so I shouldn#39t have quarrelled with you I;问题六英语道歉信该怎么写为抄同学作业被同学拒绝了,因此和 翻开语文书,映入眼帘的是“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”每当看到这句话,我总会想起那一件事那是三年级时,我的作文如“流水账”,总被老师批评,我只能在同学面前。


4、道歉信英语范文1 From JoozoneCom#39s Directions Suppose that Sarah, a friend of yours, has invited you to her birthday party, but you cannot go for some reason Write a letter in about 100 words to;Dear MrXXI#39m sorry for the last class that I didn#39t attend in timeI promise I will never be late forever,please accept my 把你要道歉的代进去就可以了希望可以采纳我的。



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