

各种自然灾害的英文名字如下Drought自然灾害英语, high temperature自然灾害英语, low temperature, cold wave, flood, waterlogging, mountain flood, typhoon, tornado, flame tornado, hail, hail, frost, storm, snowstorm, freezing rain, acid。

地震Earthquakes,台风and typhoons, 火山爆发volcanic eruptions,海啸 tsunami,内涝 waterlogging高温high temperature雷电 lightning大雾fog, 灰霾haze旱灾dry damage洪涝flood风暴潮storm tide 冻害 freeze injury雹灾。


Natural Disasters然灾害 In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent natural disasters, such a s floods, droughts, mudrock flows, sei smic sea waves, earthquakes, windstor ms and the。

自然灾害的英语作文 Many,many years ago,people livedwith dogs in cavesThere haveheen frequent natural disasters,such as floods, droughts, mudrock flows, seismic sea waves,earthquakes, windstorms and the。

篇二如何避免自然灾害英语作文 Natural Disasters自然灾害 In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, mudrock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes。



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