

1Young 很中性朝阳英文的英文名朝阳英文,男女均可用这个名就非常好读音似“阳”,意思更是表示“年轻”,年轻不正代表朝阳代表人物 赛迪斯·杨 Thaddeus Young,NBA球星 2John 男名常见英文名,但易重名;朝阳 词典sunny exposed to the sun face the sun with have a sunny, usu southern, aspect例句朝阳英文我加强朝阳之光直到你被唤醒I intensify the light of morning until you awaken;NO 210 Datunli ,ChaoYang District,Beijing;ChaoYang District, Beijing city;the hundreds of pagoda ancient temple are adorning the mountains and rivers earth, makes the morning sun be full of deep ancient culture charm朝阳,是一座古老而年轻的城市,这里有众多的资源丰饶的物产广阔的。

朝阳的英文名是quotmorning sunquot,由quotmorningquot和quotsunquot两个词汇组成quotMorningquot表示早晨,quotsunquot则表示太阳在英语中,quotmorning sunquot是一个常用的短语,用来形容早晨的阳光,也可以表示新的一天的开始和希望在书写quotmorning;朝阳的英文,朝阳的翻译,怎么用英语翻译朝阳,朝阳用 朝阳 词典 sunny exposed to the sun face the sun with have a sunny, usu southern, aspect 例句 朝阳英文我加强朝阳之光直到你被唤醒 I int;Chaoyang District, located in east Beijing, was under the jurisdiction of Jixian Country of Youzhou Prefecture during the Qin Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago It became the East Suburban District in 1925 and。

朝阳区英文是Chaoyang District朝阳区,隶属于北京市,位于北京市主城区中南部,位于北纬39°49#39至40°5#39,东经116°21#39至116°38#39北接顺义区昌平区,东与通州区接壤,南连丰台区大兴区,西同海淀区东城区。

Beijing chaoyang district dingfu village south in 1 北京市朝阳区定福庄南里1号,10,#1 Fuzhuangnanli, District Chaoyang, Beijing,2,Chaoyang District, Beijing No 1 South Lane定福庄,1,South Beijing Chaoyang;ShenYang City,LiaoNing Province这是信件地名的写法,如果实在句子中,把逗号改成in就行了;the rising sun or the morning sun不过在辽宁吧,提到朝阳只能是CHAOYANG;朝阳 多音字cháo yáng zhāo yáng词典sunny exposed to the sun face the sun with have a sunny, usu southern, aspect例句我加强朝阳之光直到你被唤醒I intensify the light of morning。

Sun peoplequot重点词汇释义 朝阳 sunny exposed to the sun face the sun with have a sunny, usu southern, aspect the rising sun the morning sun 群众 the masses general public the common people。

你好 可以看标志,朝阳轮胎的英文是chaoyang,标志中间有一个太阳,还可根据味硬度模号等特征分辨还可以去朝阳轮胎的门头店铺的。




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