

1、下车后我请你吃东西 After we get off the bus, I #39ll treat you to something to eat treat sb to 请某人吃招待某人吃以招待某人 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck;最后我乘公共汽车20分钟需要支付一元下车后步行三分钟到电影院Finally, I had to pay one yuan for a 20minute bus rideI got off and walked three minutes to the cinema;下车 get off the bus例句在下一个拐角停下,我要下车Stop at the next corner I#39m getting off;要是bus 一般用get off ,要是别的车一般用get out of。

2、英语短语有get in表示到达和下车的意思,off the car表示下车,get on表示上车,off the bus表示上公交车介绍如下1get in用于When a train, bus, or plane gets in, it arrives例句We would have come;After getting off, turn left and go straight, it is there;上车 词典 aboard get on例句她坐上车,发动了引擎She got in and started the motor下车 词典 debus get off the bus例句在下一个拐角停下,我要下车Stop at the next corner I#39m g。

3、I#39m coming I#39m getting off 但是在日常用语中,常常这样表达同志让一下,我要下车了quotExcuse me,this is my stopquot;下车 get off the car get offout of a vehicle take office get的短语 get there 到达那里取得成功,实现目标 get used to 习惯于 get up 起床,筹备打扮 get out 离开,出去泄露。


4、一英文单词debus get off the bus 二双语例句1 在下一个拐角停下,我要下车Stop at the next corner I#39m getting out2 他想让车上的乘客下车He wanted the occupants of the vehicle to get out;下车英语怎么说为get off the car,下车时,请注意以下事项以确保安全相关内容如下1停靠位置 在下车之前,确保车辆已完全停稳,并停在合适的位置,如公交车站停车位等避免在道路中间或者危险地带下车,以免发生意外;下车后沿着街一直走着直到你看见八一小学两种翻译形式如下1Walk along the street after getting off until 或tillyou see Bayi Primary School2After you get off,walk along the street until或till。

5、Stand up, please Stop passengers alighting;下车的英文get off the bus 一get off 英 ɡet #596f 美 ɡ#603t #596f离开下车马等发出使入睡 二bus 英 b#652s 美 b#652sn公共汽车,巴士,客机。

标签: 下车后英语



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