

China is the largest country in the world my mother is the most beautiful in my heartdo you know who is the most clever boy in our class ?I like singing best, what about you ?Mary is the tallest;higher,slower,finer,later,bigger,easier,earlier,comfortable more,better,worse,better,more,less,farrer 比较级。

仅举一例 做代表 Li Ming runs faster than his brotherLi Ming runs fastest in his class还有一种比较级,用more 最高级most 比较简单,副词不变,前面加上more 或most就行 希望可以对英语最高级造句你有帮助。


is wearing a dress of the finest silkWang Ping is the tallest in my class王平是我班最高的,What is your happiest memory?英语最高级造句你最美妙的记忆是什么Winter is the coldest season冬天是最寒冷的季节。

英语里形容词的比较级有三个等级,即原级positive degree,比较级comparative degree和最高级superlative degree一般来说,表示“等于”时用原级,它的结构是as+原级+as如I#39m as tall as my twin brother。

英语中比较级最高级的用法原级如何变构成法 原级 比较级 最高级 一般单音节词 tall高的 taller tallest 未尾加er,est great巨大的 greater greatest 以不发音的e结尾 nice好的 nicer nicest 的单音词和少数。

造句 xiaoming is the tallest student in class否定 xiaoming isn’t the tallest student in class疑问 Is xiaoming the tallest student in classyes,he is No,he isn‘t 望采纳。

1Today#39s the longest day of the year今天是一年中最长的日子2At least this one#39s lived the longest这个至少是有史以来活得最久的3Oh my god英语最高级造句!This is the longest that anyone has not talked ever。


一般说来,英语中形容词表示最高级含义要用其最高级形式来表示例如Spring is the best season of the yearIt was one of the largest and finest ships at that timeThis is the highest mountain I have ever。


nice的比较级是nicer最高级是nicestnicer 英na#618s#601 美na#618s#601adj 良好的造句It#39s a bit like my house, only nicer 这有点像我的房子,只是更为漂亮nicest。

第三个问题最高级的用法一般结构是“the+形容词最高级 ”比如说the most important people,the smartest person,the most oudstanding research,the highest mountain造句的话,就给你造两个吧基本用法都是一。

同样表达最高,可以用两种形式最高级Mike is the most intelligent in his class比较级Mike is more intelligent than any other student in his class。

世界上最遥远的距离,不是生与死 the farest distance in the world isn#39t the living and death,而是我就站在你面前你却不知道我爱你 but the fact that when I stand in front of you, but you don#39t know I。

He is braver than me英语最高级造句他比我勇敢好像都是一样的He is more hardworking than me他比我更努力exciting 激动人心 ,funny好玩 honest 诚实 kind 友善 famous 出名 interesting 有趣 实际上造句都一样。



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