

1、8 我的房间英文我的房间英文的房间的英文作文怎么写 两篇都差不多了,都是介绍我的房间的,我的房间英文你可以在这基础上做些修改,增加作文的真实性希望你会喜欢This is my roomMy room is nice我的房间英文!The quilt is on the bedThe photo is on;写作思路以房间为主题,运用英语常见单词,主要语法问题,结合现实正文1There is a big bed and it is very soft in my room在我的房间里有一个人大床它很柔软2There is a desk in my room在我的;我的房间英文作文 篇1 I have a lovely bedroom It is small but clean and beautiful The wall is light green and the floor is white There is a bed in my bedroom, it is really comfortable I sleep with it ever。


2、my bed roomI have a bed room,and I love it very muchNow I want to tell you somethings about my roomThere is a big bed next the door,and there are many clothes on it Then,there is a table ne;用英语介绍自己的房子中文我的房子很大,有两个房间,一个卫生间,一个厨房间,还有一个衣帽间翻译为My house is very big, with two rooms, a bathroom, a kitchen and a cloakroom;4 房间的英文作文8句话 I have a room, it is not big, but I like it very much Across the door, a window , below the window are a desk, there is a desk lamp, I will write my homework;每个人都有自己喜欢的房间,用英语介绍自己房间,要注意基本的单词运用和语法修饰,结合我多年的英语知识积累经验,给大家准备以下三篇关于我的房间的英语作文,由简到难,字数由少到多,单词数超过40词,供大家参考,希望帮助。

3、我的房间英文作文===My Room===The room in my house that has most character is my room My room has the most character because when I e home from work or school, I spend most of my time in my room I live;it is still neatI usually clean the room when I have time How is your room欢迎来到我的房间我的床靠近窗户边上,而在床的边上呢就有一张书桌,书桌上放了一台电脑和一些书籍在我做完家庭作业之后,就可;My bedroom我的房间My room is small but very beautiful,there is a big bed,a TV setin front of the bed,there is a desk in front of the TV set,there is a computer,there are two windows in the。

4、my roomroom 英 ru#720m美 ru#720mn 房间空间机会v 寄宿给提供留宿语法room的基本意思是“房间,室”,常指单人住户使用的房间,不仅可指住宅楼里,而且也可指公共宿舍,或旅馆里的;作文Take?the?door,?on?the?left?is?a?bookcase?The?above?is?my?dad#39s?book,?and?below?is?my?quotprivate?propertyquot?in?bookcase?pretend?I?most?like?to?watch?book?at?ordinary?times?What?little?sunflower;两篇都差不多了,都是介绍我的房间的,你可以在这基础上做些修改,增加作文的真实性This is my roomMy room is nice!The quilt is on the bedThe photo is on the wallThe backpack is under the tableThe;问题一在我们的房间里,用英语怎么写 in our room 问题二这是我家,这是我的房间用英语怎么说 This is my room at homeThis is my room at house问题三这就是我的房间用英语怎么说 楼上说的对,补;This is my roomIt’s a nice roomThere is a window in the wall,and a bed next to the windowMy desk is between my bookcase and my bedThere are a lot of books in the bookcaseA lamp is on t。



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