

1、A pttle given seasonably excuses a great gift 适合时宜 适宜的英语的小赠品抵得上一件隆重的礼物I kissed her in a subdued way适宜的英语, proper to the occasion 适宜的英语我用 适合时宜 的温和的方式吻了吻她A pttle give适宜的英语;“适应”的英文单词有accommodationadaptionaccommodateadapthabituation 单词解析1accommodation 读音英 #601#716k#594m#601#39de#618#643n 美 #601#716kɑ#720m#601#39;suitable适宜的英语,applicable,appropriate,convenient这些都是适合的的意思 希望对楼主有帮助;suit 是及物动词哦 sth suit well adapt to be fit for be adequate for fix in with 1单词用appropriate 或者 suitable是合适,合理的意思 例如 it is not appropriate to eat fruit after dinner2词组;对某人友好 用英语怎么说3种 1be friendly to,英 bi #712frendli tu 美 bi #712fr#603ndli tu释义对友好友善 She be friendly to everybody她对所有的人都友善2be nice to 释;适应的英文是suit英 su#720t,美 su#720tn 套装诉讼请求 v 适合方便满足 过去式suited,过去分词suited,现在分词suiting 短语1suit quite 非常适合 2suit well 完全适合 3suit;1适应be accustomed to,be adapted to2满足的需求meet the demand for,cater to the demand3be used to v习惯于,适应4There used to be 过去常常有适应5used to 过去习惯于,过。


2、It fits perfectlyfit 英 f#618t 美 f#618tv形状和尺寸适合,合身大小式样数量适合可容纳,装进试穿衣服adj健壮的健康的质量素质或技能适合的,恰当的,合格的可能或准备;问题一能做某事 用英语怎么说 Sb be able to do sthSb be capable to do sth,Sb have the ability to do sth 问题二“天生适合做某事”用英语怎样表达 The innate appositeness does some things 问;适合自己的才是最好的英文It#39s best only when it fits you only句式用法1only用作副词时,意思是“只,仅仅,才”only还常用在名词短语之前,尤其是用在以数量词或数字起始的名词短语之前,起强调作用2;关于适合的英文表达fit 适合,合身suit 适合,适宜相关短语表达适合 Fitbe fit forfitness 适合于 be suited tobe suitable forlend itself to适合于,对合适胜任 be fit for 对合适。

3、suit 简明英汉词典sjutv合适, 适合, 相配, 合式, 适宜于 n一套衣服 match 简明英汉词典mAtFn火柴, 比赛, 竞赛, 匹配, 足球, 捧球, 蓝球比赛 v相配, 相称, 比赛, 相比, 匹配 go with;be fit for be adequate for fix in with 1单词用appropriate 或者 suitable是合适,合理的意思 例如 It is not appropriate to eat fruit after dinner2词组用be fit for,是适用的意思 This way can not be;1suitable 英 #712sut#601bl 美 #712sut#601b#601l adj合适的,适当的,适宜的,恰当的They were looking for suitable ways of maximising their electoral support他们正在寻找合适的途径;Methods 113 cases that get normal eye position after strabi *** us surgery are chosen as research subjects问题二“”正好适合散步”用英语怎么说 It#39s just right for walking 问题三它大小正合适的英语。

4、二suitable 英 #712sut#601bl 美 #712sut#601b#601ladj合适的,适当的,适宜的,恰当的 This is lowlying land and not suitable for cotton这地太洼,不适于种棉花。

标签: 适宜的英语



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