

网络短语与其不如 Was not better thanIts not as good asIt is better than 与其喝咖啡不如喝红茶 I#39d rather have tea than coffee 宁可与其不如英语,与其不如,更确切些 rather与其不如英语;would rather A than B, 或者 would like A more than B I would rather be laughed at than quarrel with him我宁愿被嘲笑,也不愿和他吵架Whereas we want a flat, they would rather live in a house我们;表对比not that but that不是而是 one handon the other hand一方面另一 方面 unlike与不同not so muchas与其不如表目与其不如英语的for the为了表因果therefore因此,所有 so;在英语中,有许多方式可以表达quot与其不如quot,即用来比较同一事物或同一个人两种不同的性质特征和行为的一种句式这种句式通常是否定一方与其,肯定另一方不如下面分别举例说明1 This house is more like;撞上, 渗进, 非常喜欢 ,例He bumped into me他撞上了我The oil will soak into the wood油会渗进木头里She is into music她喜欢音乐He#39s just not that into you应意谓“他只是不那样喜欢你”;与其 不如,用英语翻译是It is not as good as it is;rather than 要而不与其倒不如 而不是在这句子里,它用“与其倒不如”的意思更贴切放在句首没有语法错误+意思上也说得通,经常有这样的用法,后面还会有句子前面句子表达“与其”,后面。

与其说不如说 not so much as lessthan 当爱德华·G·罗宾逊把他的事迹搬上银幕时,他与其说高兴不如说生气When Edward G Robinson portrayed him in a movie, Johnny was more annoyed than pleased在工作上;1 sbsth is more A than B “与其说sbsth是B,不如说是A”例如He is more an artist than a philosopher 与其说他是位哲学家,不如说他是位艺术家2 sbsth is less A than B “与其说sbst。

“与其说 不如说是 ”的英语表达有常用的两个1sbsth is more A than B “与其说某人某事是B,不如说是A egShe is more a star than an actor与其说她是个演员,不如说她是个明星2sb;“与其说 不如说是 ”用英文说是not so asrather than或者 sbsth is more A than B。


To Change is better than to complainchange,complain为动词或者 Change is better than the complaint change,complaint 为名词;不如乘飞机3would rather do than do I would rather go by air than by to do than do 谚与其锈坏,不如用坏Better to wear out than rust out是否是 rather than。

与其说倒不如说的英语短语有1“more A than B”表示与其说B,倒不如说AegShe is not so clever as diligent翻译与其说她聪明,倒不如说她勤奋egHe go to France not so much for sightseeing as;Rather throw the helve after the hatchet,and leave your ruins to be repaired by your prince与其锈掉不如用坏与其闲死,不如忙死Better wear out than rust out相形之下使黯然失色使远不如。



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