

1、我印象最深刻的一节课高中英语作文篇1 How can we forget the lesson Mr Zhang gave us last month?Mr Zhang was the only teacher who worked overaged in our schoolHe should have retired from teaching last;“是同学们肯定地回答游戏做完了,老师请我们把课本翻到19课我们一看课文,哇文中的对话正是我们刚才游戏的内容结果,课上发言的人多了,同学们学习的热情十分高涨这堂新颖别致的英语课真是让人难忘呀;1I am in primary school now, I have many lessons to learn from Monday to Friday, my favorite subject is English Last week, my English teacher gave us a task, she asked us to make the presentation;这既是一堂交流课,也是一次中澳的友谊交流之会我们要学好英语,争取有机会与更多的外国朋友交流,来进一步提高中华民族的科学文化难忘的英语课 “叮铃铃”上课了,课代表在那边领读着英语一个高大的身影在窗外向教室;After class, I thought and thought and came to realize that I should make good use of time, and never put off what could be done today till tomorrow译文 今天早上,我上了一堂难忘的英语课铃响了,我们;An unforgettable English class Having been a student for eleven years,there are still some unforgettable classes which taught me a lotOne of my unforgettable English classes took place in my Junior 2At that。

2、今天有一节英语课,这节英语课是英国人教的 ,所以同学很激动兴奋英语课开始了,只见长的跟黑媒球一样的一个黑人冲着我们自我介绍“I#39m吉米”,同学们有礼貌地说“Hello吉米”,“Hello students!”吉米老师接;I will never forget his smile, his songs and everything he had done in his class我在学校上过很多很多的课其中,一位年轻的美国老师上的课最令我难忘那是五月的一个星期二的上午,老师突然告诉我们,一位;The Most Impressive Course in My College When it comes to a course that leaves the deepest impression in university, different people stand on different grounds As for me, the most impressive course in;An Unforgettable Lesson How can we forget the lesson Mr Zhang gave us last month?Mr Zhang was the only teacher who worked overaged in our schoolHe should have retired from teaching last yearBut he didn;难忘的一课the unforgettable lessonto everyone,they always come across many different things every day,so they will forget these things easilybut to me,there is one thing making me unforgettablelast saturday;最难忘的一节课英语作文篇1 quotBest in class to keep quiet!quot The teacher often told us So, in my memory of the classroom is very quiet, only the class, make me in mind That day to read toastmasters, I#39d lo。


3、难忘的一堂英语课 英语课,大家都有上过可是令我们最为难忘的英语课,大家不不知道有没有遇到过我在前不久就上过一次令我难忘的英语课,一直记忆颇深“叮铃铃,叮铃铃”上课了同学们以迅雷不及掩耳之势坐在。

4、英语四级作文印象最深的课 大学四年生活,大家最难忘的课程是什么?下面是我分享的最难忘的英语四级作文,欢迎大家阅读!A course that has impressed you most in college There are many courses in each college year;我开始有点喜欢英语啦今天,我还得到了一块英语老师奖给我的巧克力呢妈妈抚摸着我的头,对我说“好样的,孩子兴趣是源泉,态度决定一切,学习注意方法妈妈相信你,你一定行的”这堂课使我毕生难忘。

5、难忘的英语课作文1 “外国老师来了,外国老师来了”随着一声呼喊,我们全体同学都立刻坐回自己的座位上,就像老鼠碰到了猫,个个惊慌失措这个外国老师的模样跟我们不太相同,除了舌头和牙齿,其他地方都非常黑,头上随。

6、一节难忘的英语课作文1 “唉,下节课就是英语课了,怎么办呀昨天教的英语歌我还不会唱呢”我愁眉苦脸地坐在位子上“叮铃铃”上课的铃声打响了,对其他人来说,这铃声也许很正常,可是对于我来说呢,简。



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