

八点半”half past eight音标 hɑf八点半英语怎么说, pɑst eitit is eightthirtyAt half past eight 都可表示为八点半相关例句 1大概是八点半或者九点的时候It was about halfpast eight or nine。

八点半Aeignt thirty 双语例句 1八点半八点半英语怎么说了,特雷弗该上床睡觉了It was eightthirty, Trevor#39s bedtime2八点半了该看书了It#39s half past eight it#39s time for reading3现在八点半了该上英语课。

2 I had set my alarm clock for eightthirty, but I overslept我已经设置了闹钟在八点半响,但是我睡过头了3 Halfpast eight comes early when you#39re not a morning person如果你不是个早起的人。


八点半,half past eighthalf 是一半的意思,past是过,意思就是八点过半九点,nine o#39clock 12点半,half past twelve 2点半,half past two 4点半,four thirty传统表示方法,直接说数字7点 seven o#39clock。

Quarter past ten, the ten fortyfive, twelve ten, three twentyeight, two eighteen, half past eight。

num八八个第八 n八八人或物一组1About half past eight every morning, I meet the boy I love at school每天早上大约八点半,我都会在学校遇见那个我爱的男孩2I watch television at half。

o#x27clock,一种说法是at eight pm拓展一下其他的钟点表达上午八点十五分,可以是at 815am ,也可以是at a quarter past eight上午八点半可以是at 830 am,也可以是at half past eight。

在八点钟的英文at eight o#39clock eight o#39clock 英 e#618t #601#712kl#596k 美 et #601#712klɑk八点钟 1I overslept and we made it at eight o#39clock我睡过头了,而且。

我八点半去学校用英文表达是I go to school at half past eight注完全没有问题,希望帮助到您请及时点击采纳。

用英语这样说,we have English class at eight thirty every Friday。

We#39ll leave at 830 on Monday morning, if you like重点词汇如果 if in case in the event of supposing that 愿意 be willing be ready 星期一 Monday Mon早。

例句我每天早上6点半起床7点去上班I get up at six thirty and go to work at seven in the morning现在几点了 What time is it now?现在是早上八点半 It’s at eight。

BIt#39s 4 ampm上午下午4点 78AWhat time is it?几点了 BIt#39s half past eight八点半Ohit#39s time to watch TV该看电视了 BIt#39s twenty to nine八点四十 79AWhat class are you。

对于此句的翻译,可以翻译为“We#39ll meet at the school gate at eight thirty tomorrow morning”词翻译,为直译,仅供参考。

通常都不会说差半个钟到几点,只会说几点半,差半个钟6点就是五点半,half past five或者five thirty但如果硬要说差半个钟到几点,那就是30 minutes to 几点或者half an hour to 几点差几分到几点的基本组合就。

they found that most of the baby pandas had woken up and were hungry早上八点半,成都研究基地,林微和其他的大熊猫饲养员正在为熊猫宝宝的早餐准备牛奶上午九点钟,他们发现大多数的熊猫宝宝已经醒来并且很饥饿Wh。




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