

一周的时间即将结束了英语周记英语周记我们会积累一些相应的经验英语周记,让英语周记我们通过周记发表自己的意见和想法吧那么英语周记我们该怎么去写周记呢下面是我精心整理的英语周记100字,希望能够帮助到大家英语周记100字 篇1 I study in the No I。

英语周记一 It is my honor to have the opportunity to talk about my first day in the UniversityAs a freshman,It#39s the first time I left home by myselfwithout my parents,I had no choice but to。


英语的周记1 I am busy this week, because I will take the midterm exam next week So I am busy with my study I want to do well in the exam, so I must work hard After class, I review the。

篇二大学生英语周记 When it comes to English learning, people may start pouring out their woes about how it difficult to learn Well, as an English major student, I think there are several ways we can do to impr。

2 怎样写英语周记 其实周记就是每周一记,四年级也好,初中也好,高中也好,要求都是一样的老师让大家写周记,就是每周把自己的所看到的听到的想到的经历的东西记下来,形成的文字片断或一篇文章,一周写一则 如果是一个片断。



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