

1About the authors 例句About the authors Zhang Jian作者简介英文, Xi#39an people翻译作者简介张健作者简介英文,陕西西安人2brief introduction of the writer 例句Let#39s read the brief introduction of the writer about the。

1 An Introduction to the Author作者简介 2 A Brief Summary of the Story故事梗概 3 Setting, Structure, and Conflicts小说背景结构与矛盾冲突 4 Major Themes重大主题 5 Motifs主旨 6 Symbols象征#xFFFD。

1作者英文简介 Emily Jane Bront#235 pronounced #712br#594nti or #712br#594nte#61830 July 1818 – 19 December 1848 was an English novelist and poet, now best remembered for。

简爱的作者是夏洛蒂·勃朗特1英文 Charlotte Bronte 18161855, an English novelist, was born in a poor priest#39s family She studied in boarding school and became a successor teacher and family。

金银岛作者简介 罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森 Robert Louis Stevenson 罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森,19世纪后半叶英国伟大的小说家代表作品有长篇小说金银岛化身博士绑架卡特丽娜等早期他到处游历,为其创作积累。

1英文简介 Mo Yan, formerly known as Guan Moye, was born on February 17, 1955 in Dalan Ping#39an Village, Northeast Township Cultural Development Zone, Gaomi City, Shandong ProvinceViceChairman of the。

你好,很高兴为你解答主要人物简介the brief introduction of main characters 作者简介About the authorthe brief introduction of the writer。

1英文 Charlotte Bronte is an English woman writer She and her two sisters, Emily Bronte and Anne Bronte, are known as the quotthree Bronte sistersquot in the history of English literatureCharlotte was born。

欧内斯特·米勒尔·海明威,美国小说家诺贝尔文学奖获得者Ernest Miller Hemingway,American novelist and Nobel Prize winner in literature1899年7月21日生于芝加哥市郊橡胶园小镇On July 21,1899,he was born in a。

百万英镑简介 作者简介马克#8226吐温Mark Twain,原名塞姆#8226朗赫恩#8226克列门斯Samuel Langhorne Clemens1835年11月30日-1910年4月21日是美国的幽默大师小说家作家,亦是著名演说家。


Lewis Carroll Lewis Carroll,1832 1898 the real name Charles Dodgson 尔斯勒特威 Church Charles Lutwidge Dodgson,is a mathematician,a long prestigious Christ Church College at Oxford University as a mathematics。

作者介绍马克吐温,Mark Twain l835~1910美国作家本名塞谬尔·朗赫恩·克莱门斯马克·吐温是其笔名出生于密西西比河畔小城汉尼拔的 一个乡村贫穷律师家庭,从小出外拜师学徒当过排字工人,密西西比河水手南军士兵。

简介The author is Jonathan Swift, a writer, political commentator and satirical master in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and IrelandHe is famous for his famous travels of Gulliver and the story of a。

英文简介The author of the Harry Potter series is JK Rowling, born on July 31, 1965 in Gwentshire, England He graduated from the University of Exeter in England and is a British writerRowling loved。

书出版后不久她就去世了,从那时以来这本书销售了3,000多万本本书是一部十九世纪下半叶轰动欧洲文坛的经典儿童小说黑骏马在欧美常销不衰,唤醒一代又一代读者去理解所有不会说话的动物英文简介Black Beauty。

Nikolai Alexeevich Ostrovsky Russian Николай Алексеевич Островский 29 September 1904 – 22 December 1936 was a Soviet socialist realist writer, who published his works。



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