

1、您的问题很简单呵呵百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题原句 越来越多的人失业 翻译 More and more people are unemployedout of work而这个数字通常是不可能的越来越多英语,因此就有越来越多的人失业Often this is;随着中国的发展越来越多英语,私家车的数量也越来越多 With the development of China, there are more and more private cars;more and more + adjadv 这里是多音节的词,比如beautiful, 这里是越来越的意思越来越少 就可以说 fewer and fewer 这是可数的 不可数的是 less 越来越快 faster and faster 越来越慢 more;at present, more and more people in the world are learning chinese 现在,世界上有越来越多的人在学汉语 at present 目前,现在 in the world 在世界上到底 learning Chinese 学汉语 例句 1Are you learning;More and more people are concerned about our natural environment一more and more用法1more and more用于表示“越来越多的”,主要修饰名词2more and more用于表示“越来越”,主要修饰形容词副词。

2、More and more people emerge the big city,some questions then along with it productionFor instance traffic congestion,municipal pollution,even presents the criminalityI hoped that everybody in a friendly way is;越来越多的大学生主修企业管理学2The girl became more and more beautiful这女孩变得愈来愈漂亮越来越多英语了3With the rapid economical development, China#39s position on the international stage is getting more and;more and more ,但这种句型不太好,很平凡可用an increasing number of 或者a growing number of代替;越来越少fewer and fewer less and less 问题五“越来越”用英语怎么说 这个词组的结构是比较级+and+比较级 比如说,越来越早earlier and earlier 越来越多more and more 越来越大bigg定r and;As the ecomoic developing,some phenomenoas are much more than before。

3、越来越多的英文表示法 more and more ,但这种句型不太好,很平凡可用an increasing number of 或者a growing number of代替 “越来越多”的英文怎么写 more and more on the increase increasingly 看具。

4、With the development of society, more and more cars are on the road, which brings a lot of problems to the city;越来越多的翻译除了用more and more还可以是 an increasing number of 例句Actually, an increasing number of people become volunteers in China every year实际上,每年在中国都有越来越多的人成为志愿者So there。

5、现在,越来越多的人死于疾病的翻译是什么意思 原句现在,越来越多的人死于疾病 翻译More and more people die of disease now现在越来越多的人喜欢旅游的英语句子 哦 顺便说一下,我目前上的ABC天卞英语中心;越来越的英语more and more more and more英 m#596#720r #601nd m#596#720r 美 m#596#720r #601nd m#596#720r越来越 “比较级+and+比较级”或者“more。




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