

作为一名中学生英语我是一名中学生翻译成英语是I am a middle school student重点词汇 middle school 英 #712midl skul 美 #712midl skuln中等学校,中学。

作为一个学生 用英语怎么翻译 翻译是as a student 详细解释 as 英#601z 美#230z,#601z adv 同样地,一样地 例如 prep 作为,以作为一名中学生英语的身份 如同 conj 由于 像,像一样。


正文We all have different views on the use of computers Some people think that surfing the Internet is a good thing, while others think it#39s not good Some people even say that there is nothing good。

2 Manage your time High school can be overwhelming with classes, homework, extracurricular activities, and social life Learning to manage your time effectively will help you stay on top of everything3。

As a middle school student, it is our duty to study hard for a bright future Doing homework can help us improve ourselves better So I think we should do our homework作为一名中学生,努力学习为了一个光明。

each of us are supposed to pass attend the classes on time and finish the assignments in a timely wayAnd finally,we should spare no efforts to glorify the excellent virtues of Chinese people对于中学生来说。

as a high school student, I have a lot of courses to work on,but my school still provides me with a lot of afterschool activities这句话你一开始用了“我”作主语所以后面我把“我们”改成“我”了。

作为一名中学生,我么怎么做才能够保护环境作为一名中学生英语?我们能做什么呢作为一名中学生英语?下面是我给大家整理的作为中学生如何保护环境 英语 作文 的相关知识,供大家参阅作为一名中学生英语!作为中学生如何保护环境英语作文篇1 The middleschool student while on own。

你好很高兴回答你的问题 作为一名中学生,我认为中学生使用手机是不好的 As a middle school student, I think it is not good for middle school students to use mobile phones望采纳谢谢。

Although I have many lessons every day and I have much homework to do,I am very healthyWhy am I so healthy?I have many healthy habitsFor example,I exercise half an hour every day I eat vegetables。

School rules Every school has rules for students As a student, we must obey them First of all, in class, we shouldn#39t talk but listen to the teachers carefully We are not supposed to take food or。



英语我认为作为一名中学生,不应不遵守规则英语1I think that you shouldn#39t take excuse of not abiding by the rules as a middle school student2I believe that you must abide by the rules as a middl。

The safe is an very important problem As a student in the middle schlool, we should own the safe consciousness But how we to do? And what should we do? There are some advices First of all on。

多记一些单词和短语,方法很多,提供几条,1按功能分类 记忆l ,如新目标英语每个单元都有特定的语言功能,试着按这个功能把这些词汇串联成一个完整的故事可英汉夹杂,不必拘泥于程式,只要有助于记忆皆可如七年级。



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