

cross the road 过马路的英文是什么谢谢cross go across the road 过马路用英语说出来三种方式 cross the road walk across the road cross the street 为你解答过马路英文,如有帮助请采纳过马路英文,如对本题有疑问可追问。

过马路 1cross the road 2cross the street 例句1你应该先看一看,然后再过马路You should look, then cross the road2当你过马路时,注意街上的来车Look out for cars when you cross the。

过马路的英文是 Cross the road 亲,如果觉得对你有帮助,请点击好评哦~~谢谢啦。

cross the road 过马路,穿过街道。

cross the road korea应该为korean korea为韩国,而korean为韩语。


马路,多是由人修建,供人使用,主要目的是方便人类从事诸多的生产活动过马路时注意安全十分重要,那么你知道吗过马路英文?下面我为大家带来马路的英语说法,供大家一起学习马路的英语说法1 road 英 ro#650d 美 r。

1 过马路请走天桥 to cross the street, please take the overpass2 大街上的 外面的 人们穿着什么样的衣服What kind of clothes are people outsideon the street wearing。


Walk across the intersectioncrossroadsPS其实不必逐字逐句翻译,有时“直译”没有“意译”来的好。

Obey the traffic rules, crossing the road to walk the zebra crossing, the red light 难道你也在写桂林市中考题。

红灯亮的时候不要过马路 Don#39t cross the street when the red light is on双语对照 例句1你红灯的时候过马路哎呀,混蛋So you cross the street when the red light is on过马路英文? Oh, shit。

1当你穿过马路时,什么样的英语短语表达会比较贴切下面就由我为大家带来关于穿过的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获关于穿过的相关英语短语 to pass through thrill through drill through plough through putthrough如。

Never cross the road!No crossing the road!Don#39t cross the road!You#39d better not cross the road!It cannot be better for you not to cross the road!都行哟~。

crosses the street together with others! Some zebra crossings walk the zebra crossing!过马路左右看先往左边看,等到路中线,再往右看,不要跑,自行车过马路一定要推行,如不熟,还可以和别人同行,和别人一起过马路。

Dear susanChinese style of crossing streets has been a hot topic on the internet recentlyNowadays, many people cross streets without looking at the traffic lights Why? I think are two main reasons Some。

Weekly Diaryacross the roadTime flys A week has been gone This week I have nothing sepecial except helping an old lady across the road I left home for school in a hurry on Monday morning, because。



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