

Midautumn Festival At this time the people always eat the moon cake,to enjoy looking at the moon,the family member reunite,because that day moon is roundestThere are also many wonderful stories about mid。

受中华文化中秋英语怎么说的影响,中秋节也是东亚和东南亚一些国家尤其是当地的华人华侨的传统节日自2008年起中秋节被列为国家法定节假日2006年5月20日,国务院列入首批国家级非物质文化遗产名录英文Since ancient times, the Mid。

中秋节的英语手抄报 The joyous MidAutumn Festival was celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth moon, around the time of the autumn equinox秋分 Many referred to it simply as the quotFifteenth of the。

中秋节也是中秋英语怎么说我国传统节日中文化含量最重能完整展现华夏民族特有的ldquo血亲团圆民族团结国家统一rdquo愿望的节日我精心收集了关于中秋节的英语小短文,供大家欣赏学习!关于中秋节的英语小短文篇1 Midautumn Festival。


中秋节的英语是MidAutumn Festival ,其他说法Moon FestivalMooncake FestivalZhongqiu Festival 短语 中秋节快到了 MidAutumn Festival is coming 中秋节即将来临 MidAutumn Festival approaching 双语例句 1中秋节是。

中秋节单词MidAutumn Festival中秋节相关英语词汇有Midautumn festival,moon cakemoon, admire the moon,Chang#39e,reunite,miss,traditional ,August1Midautumn Festival 中秋节 “中秋节快乐”叫Happy Mid。



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