

1、学校郊游是学生们期待已久的一项活动,是一个让他们放松游玩学习的机会以下是关于“学校郊游”用英语的表达方式1 School Excursion这是一个最常用的翻译方式,几乎所有的英语国家都能听到这个词它用于形容学校组织;My home throughout the year are very beautiful,very warm spring,we can go to effect Tour,the summer is very hot,go swimming is a lot of fun,cool autumn more,you can go high,very cold winter,skiing is。

2、nature and had a good time on that day!写郊游的英语作文相关推荐1 郊游的英语作文 2 关于旅游的高中英语作文4篇 3 有关旅游大学英语作文范文 4 写春游的英文作文范文4篇 5 关于旅游的英语作文欣赏;上周六我们骑自行车去阳光农场郊游 汉译英,可以这么表达 We went for an outing to Sunshine Farm by bike last Saturday或者这样说Last Saturday, we went to Sunshine Farm for an outing by bike;郊游的英语作文篇一 Sunday,May 1st I got to school very earlyOur class took a special bus to Cuihua Mountain at 830We got off the busOur classmates were very excited The mountain is so beautiful;go hiking 是指去爬山,去郊游应该是go on a picnic;郊游excursion 读音英 #618k#39sk#604#720#643#601n ek 美 #618k#39sk#605#658nn 偏移远足短程旅行郊游游览,游览团 例句 The excursion was the high spot of ou;你好进行一次学校郊游,On a school trip;郊游 n field trip outing 嘿,对郊游感觉怎么样Hey, what about the outing?但是我对郊游不怎么热衷But I don#39t like those outings总是要求我为学校郊游付额外的钱I#39m always being asked to stump。


3、我和几个好朋友收集了一些叶子和昆虫,因为我们对生物很感兴趣我们做了一个有趣的实验,并且写了一篇报告,这篇报告还得到了老师的表扬我们下午5点离开,我们都在这次郊游中玩得很高兴多么不寻常的一天啊;outing 英#712a#650t#618#331 美#712a#650t#618#331n 远足,郊游,短途旅行 散步v 伸出 out的现在分词 揭露郊游用英语怎么说 excursion outing school trip 春游的英文单词;It was fine last Sunday We went to West Hill by bus Some students planted trees, others carried water Because we worked hard, we were tired, but we felt happy We all know trees can stop the;outing,指郊游,远足,短途旅行和某人去郊游go on an outing with sb;夏天,我们可以去游泳,在海滩上晒日光浴在秋天,徒步旅行是一个不错的选择这是因为凉爽的天气不会让我们的后背出汗Moreover,we not only can enjoy the view of falling autumn leaves,but also breathe the flesh。

4、去郊游英语,是一个词组go outing go hiking例如If possible, I#39ll go outing如果可能的话,我将去郊游Weather permitting, we will go outing天气好的话,我们就去郊游Whether we will go outing tomorrow;lol, going out, 是郊游outing 是什么11级也胡说八道 I#39m going out for a picnic with my friends;旅游用英语是travel解释travel 英#712tr#230vl 美#712tr#230v#601ln 旅行 进行 移动 漫游vi 旅行 传送 前进,行进 篮球 走步vt 经过,通过 游历例句You had better;但是我对郊游不怎么热衷But I don#39t like those outings总是要求我为学校郊游付额外的钱I#39m always being asked to stump您好,我们可以像下面这样说英文原文we are enjoying the school outing now英式音标wi#720。



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