英语作文rules(英语作文rules round us)


1、2 以rules为题的英语作文 There are many rules in my family And most of them are about me For example, on weekdays I have to get up early in the morning I cant watch TV or go out on school。

英语作文rules(英语作文rules round us)

2、my family rules英语作文_第1篇Dan, moulding children#39s intangible force family way of life, culture constitutes the startup As the name implies, Dan is a family ethos, style and fashionFamous French wr。

3、初中英语作文my family rules 篇1 There are many rules in my familysuch as do not eat in the bed, do not talk loudy,study should carefuly and so on I am always busy with my lessons and I have many homework。

4、My Family Rules英语作文篇1A country has its laws and a family has its riles ,tooMy family also has some rulesFirst of all,I have to be home by 1000,because it is dangerious to go home late。

5、1 will be punishedBut thanks to these rules, I can live a healthy and regular lifeI think the second rule is unfair to me I hope sometimes I could beallowed to play computer games for a while。

6、英语作文There are many rules in our schoolAt our school we have to wear uniforms every dayThe problem is that all my classmatesthink the uniforms are uglyI think young people should look smart, so l。

7、I am a middle school studentMy school is No1 Middle SchoolIn my school,there are some rulesWe don#39t arrive late for classWe must be on timeWe don#39t fight in classWe don#39t run in the。

8、There are many rules in our schoolFirstly,we cannot go out or watch television at nightThen,we must wear uniform and cannot go home for lunch in the afternoonWe are also not aloud to eat in the。

9、以规则为话题的英语作文 In order to keep the road orderly and people safe, everyone should follow traffic rules为了保持交通秩序和人们的安全,人人都应该遵守交通规则 The walkers should look carefully both left and right wh。

10、高中英语作文范文Rules for Library Use Library is of great use for students and some students reflect that library management is a little confusing In order to keep our library in a good order, we make。

11、Rules in the classroom英语作文our school has school rules, and our class also has class rules we can’t have breakfast in the classroom our teacher says we will make our books become dirty if we eat。

12、Library rules ,图书馆规矩有很多,不能随便带食物到座位上面吃,不能随便大声讲话都是规矩When you enter the library, you must keep quiet You can#39t make any noise and affect others#39 study Also, you must。

13、There are many rules in my familyFor exampleFirst,We can#39t watch TV when we have dinnerSecond,We need wash our body everyday before sleepingThird,We need get up before 630 everday and have。

14、In Chinese classes,I can#39t drink water and in English classes I have to do some readingOh,I can#39t stand these rules,but nobody can broken them在语文课上,我不能喝水,在英语课上我得读书哦,我受。

15、ditch school, the male student does not permit to let grow long the law, the female student does not permit to dye hair and so on, is the school rules and regulations We take the student to observe。



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