

1、乒乓球 英语作文 Today, we win, we feel very happy Every day we carefully trained to have paid off, not only for our own glory, more national gloryEvery day we get up very early, the coach led us。

2、two or four people can play at one time, while a number of spectators can enjoy the game as wellTable tennis has become the world#39s largest participation sport, I like the event very much我喜欢打乒乓。

3、Table tennis is one of the most popular sports in China It s my favorite, too It s a good way of exercise, and it s easy to play You don t need many skills I often play table tennis after。

4、Everyone has his own a unique world, in this world, you can give full play to their own special skill, let others to sit up and take notice My hobby is playing table tennis Got home every day, I。

5、英语作文I am a healthy girl ,because i like exercising, it’s good for our bodyAnd my favorite exercise is swimming It’s really interesting every summer ,i always swim in the sea ,it makes。


6、2i am a middle school student,my favorite sport is pingpong and volleyball,and i like watching all competitions about these two gamesas for pingpong,everyone knows it is our national ball,it represents。

7、问题一我喜欢打乒乓球英文作文 Of all the sports, I like tabletennis best I think it is not only a sport but also an art, because it is a game that needs strength and skill Some people think。

8、Note English I like playing table tennis, playing table tennis not only because of physical activity, eye protection also have a role, especially for students, better prevention of myopia Lengthy closeup。

9、范文Table tennis originated in England Tennis was popular in Europe at the end of the 19th century乒乓球起源于英国19世纪末,欧洲盛行网球运动But due to the restrictions of the venue and the weather。

10、period, I could play pingpong together with my classmates我乒乓球英语作文的很多同学乒乓球打得非常好,有时我也想和他们一起玩,但我不会打后采我的好朋友小齐课下耐心地教我打,一段时间后,我也可以和同学们一起打乒乓球英语作文了。

11、What#39s your hobby?Do you know my hobby?Well,let me tell youMy hobby is playing pingpongI think that is very interestingI play it every dayIn our school,after class and after schoolI stayed at。

12、If I had to describe a sport, I would choose to talk about table tennisI am not sure if you have played it before It is more commonly known as pingpongThe sport is widely practised throughout the。

13、Of all the sports, I like tabletennis best I think it is not only a sport but also an art, because it is a game that needs strength and skill Some people think that playing tabletennis needs。

14、My favourite Olympic eventsTable tennis If I had to describe a sport, I would choose to talk about table tennisI am not sure if you have played it before It is more commonly known as ping。

15、try to study hardBut I really love it你爱好什么你知道我的爱好吗好吧,让我告诉你我的爱好是打乒乓球我认为这是非常有趣的我每天都弹它在我们的学校,放学后我在学校打pingpongmy老师和我的。

16、thus play a role in the prevention of myopia So I like playing table tennis I suggest that the students have time to play table tennis!我喜欢打兵乓球,因为打乒乓球不但能锻炼身体,对保护眼睛也有一定的作用。

17、pingpanghall is table tennis it is chinese ball chinese it is good at the table tennisPingpang ball it is small and it is very jump it isn#39t good?Chinese is love it play it are very fun you can。

18、Deng Yaping,Liu Guoliang,Kong Linghui,WangNan,Zhang Yining ,among which there are five ChineseI am very proud 乒乓球大满贯是指获得奥林匹克运动会单打冠军世界锦标赛单打冠军世界杯单打冠军现在,一共有6。



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