

1school time what start does What time does school start五年级上册英语连词成句?2now shopping would like go to you Would you like to go shopping now?3at noodles usually we eat weekend the;C going I like C A take photo B take photos C taking photos 连词成句 tell五年级上册英语连词成句,at五年级上册英语连词成句,you五年级上册英语连词成句,can,onc,meYou can tell me at onceuncle,does,have,same,hobby,your,theYour uncle does have the same hobby。

1There was a small round spaceship in the garden2The spaceship flew into the brushed my teeth and washed my went to the park in the afternoon5Did you like the quiet music?6Ben;先把每个单词的意思翻译出来,再用它们的中文连起来,最后用题目中的单词来翻译用中文连起来的句子。

五连词成句 1use You computers , the , can 2, talk , can’t , to , friends, You , your 3, haven’t , We , the , got , CDs ___4, Har;1 can you make a model ship for my daughter?2 their broghter is playing my football3 he looks after the flowers carefully in th garden。



can she do at school?这种题目就是先找“人”“动作”“地点”,你看有人she,做do,地点school,那么剩下的两个是英语的语法三W和一Hwhatwhenwhere和how都是语法,看到时问号就把what放前面去,剩。

The cub panda is called a baby一开始没有首字母大写,句尾没有标点符号。

What do you do on the weekend?你在周末干什么疑问词放句首,之后是主语,然后动词what do you do on the weekend 是介词词组,放句尾。

Danny learns to fly a kiteIt is hard for him to flyHow did you do?很高兴为你解答,祝你学习进步数学辅导团为你解答~~如果你认可我的回答,请点击下面的选为满意回答按钮,谢谢~~如果还有其它问题。


1、Can we go to the supermarket tomorrow?明天我们能去超市吗如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可, 谢谢。

2、5MyauntisfromAustralia同义句 Myaunt___Australia 七连词成句,注意大小学和标点符号5分 1playtoodon’tcomputermanygames ___ 2helpImyoftenmotherdothedishes ___ 3whatdrinkyourisfavorite? _。

3、see,i,not,theclock,can 答案I can not see the clock翻译我看不到那个钟表答案I have got a wonderful clock翻译我已经得到一个很精彩的钟表解析have got是现在完成时时态,翻译为已经得到,不能。

4、第四步检查纠错 1注意句子是否完整 排练好后,仔细多读几遍,看看句子是否通顺2注意字母的大小写 句子开头首字母要大写,应该是不断提及的话题在英语中经常需要的大写的有每句话的开头字母人名专有名词等。

5、5stayed 第四题1Can you 2when do 3How messy 4不会= = 第五题1c 2b 3a 4b 5c 以上都是自己想的,你爱信不信咯,不过我五年级英语还是数一数二的 不过都忘啦,记得一点点吧。

6、下面我给大家带来关于五年级外研版上册英语教案,方便大家学习 五年级外研版上册英语教案1 一教学目标与要求 1 知识与能力目标 1能够听说读写单词blind能够听说认读单词special 2能够听说读写句子 This dog can help him。



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