

1、学习中文的英文是learn Chinese learn是学习的意思,Chinese是中文汉语的意思短语 Learn more Chinese 多学点中文 Amy learn hard Chinese 艾米学习努力中国 艾米中文硬 learn about Chinese history 了解中国历史 对。

2、learnstudy Chinese 亲祝学中文的英语你学习进步,每天都开心V_V望采纳,thx!Mr Gao。

3、你想学中文吗用英语说是Do you want to learn Chinese一说中文的国家 世界上说汉语的国家有2个,中国和新加坡中文是中国新加坡的官方语言是联合国六种工作语言之一,主要流通于中国和新加坡以及美国加拿大澳。

4、want to learn a little Chinese 亲祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V望采纳,thx。

5、您好,the way of learning Chinese或者,the method of learning Chinese 至于way 和method 要不要加s就看你的下文了哦,如果你是举出好几个学习中文的方法,那就加s,如果不是要举例那不加也无所谓望采纳哦,蟹蟹。

6、学好汉语为题的英语作文双语范文如下There are four key points to study Chineselistening,speaking,reading and writing学习汉语有四个关键点听说读写Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in。

7、表示某人或某物跟在另一人或另一物后面,一般不与 behind 或after 连用,以免构成用词重复尽管偶尔可见到这类用法,但在现代英语中很少见,初学者最好不用2 不要按照汉语习惯,将汉语表达中的“跟着某人做某事”。

8、Dear Celin You said that you were planning to come to Beijing to learn Chinese during your summer vacation so I#39ve been looking for a school for you recently亲爱的塞林你说你计划暑假来北京学中文,所以我。


9、She wants to learn a little Chinesemandy的回答 want的第三人称单数应变为wants,a little用来修饰不可数名词应放在名词前tem的回答 want的第三人称单数应变为wants 求采纳。

10、Why is it too difficult to learn Chinese学中文的英语?做什么事很难 it is difficult to do变成一般疑问句is it difficult to do 加特殊疑问词why, why is it difficult to do?do 在本句中用“学汉语” learn。

11、Want to learn Chinese, you can join Chinese class, in there, you can communicate with more with the teacher Practice Also can read Chinese TV, read the Chinese books, newspapers, magazines, etc, are。

12、关于如何学好汉语的英语作文篇2 Dear Peter,亲爱的彼得,Irsquom glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well我很高兴收到你的来信询问我的一些关于如何学好中文的问题Here are。

13、翻译如下You should learn French and Chinese besides EnglishBesides与except,except for等区别 三者都可以表示“除外”,用法区别如下1 besides 表示一种累加的除外关系,意思是“除了什么之外,还有”虽然含有“。

14、告诉他学习汉语的一些方法,并且适当的给一些鼓励的话语,让他持之以恒,并且在学习汉语上面要努力一些I heard that you want to learn Chinese recently Learning Chinese is not a simple thing Learning this language。

15、“参加中文学习班”quotTake part in the Chinese learning classquot。

16、Another good way to learn Chinese well is to communicate more, find a person with standard Mandarin and practice daily dialogue Great progress can be made after a period of time外国人学中文的话需要先练好。

17、Making more Chinese friends is also a nice chance to learn ChineseThat givs you the morechoose to speak Chinese So you will speak Chinese fluently一英语的影响力 1从全世界来看,说英语的人数已经超过。



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