

英语作文我的一天带翻译篇一我的一天 My DayToday is Monday I got up at 630 Then I washed my face and ate breakfast Milk , bread, egg and porridge are my favorites My mother always gets。

篇一小学英语作文我的一天 This is my day I#39m very busy but very happyI got up at 645 I had breakfast at 710 with my parents I said quotGood morning!quot to my parents My parents smiled。

我的一天英语作文篇一 Now, the new term begins I live the life normal as before Every morning, I get up at 630 After washing, I eat breakfast at homeMy mother always cooks delicious and nutritious。

我的一天英语作文篇一 Last weekend, On Saturday morning I got up at 630 After breakfast I did my homework at homeIn the afternoon , I played football with my friends on our playgroudIn the evening。

我的一天英语作文 篇1 Today was Sunday and I was very happy!In the morning,I stayed at home to do my homework and watch TVIn the afternoon,I went to a park with my best friendsThere were many flowers, and。

我的一天英语作文带翻译 篇1 Today is May Day My mother father and me went to park to have a picnic, and then visited my grandma and grandpaIn the morning at nine o’clock, we went to park for。

1 以我快乐的一天为题写一篇英文作文 a happy day Today, I got up very early, I had a very good breakfast, then I went out to play with my friend, We had a very good time In the afternoon, I。

在课堂上我沉醉在老师的讲解中,课堂外我和好朋友分享快乐, 我和同学在操场上做我的一天的英语作文了很开心的游戏, 这就是我的快乐的一天8 要一篇关于 我的一天 的英语作文50字啊 Today is Sunday It is sunny I don#39t go。

在上午 我和我的朋友去公园在下午我和我的父母去看望了祖父母 我们在谈话中度过快乐的时光 在网上 看电视十分有趣因为今天我做了很多事, 所以我很开心8 要一篇关于 我的一天 的英语作文50字啊 Today is。


英语作文是英语考试中的重要组成部分,下面总结了几篇以我的一天为题目的英语作文,仅供参考精品英语作文赏析 My Day I had a good dayIn the morning,I went to the park with my friends to fly kitesAnd the。


英语作文我的一天如下Today I was very busy, I got a lot things to do今天我很忙,我有很多事情要做when I was up ,I washed my teeth and comb my hair, then had a tasteful breakfast当我起床时。

我的一天的英语作文你们的一天是怎么过的呢?我来说一下我的一天吧下面是我为大家精心整理的关于我的一天小学英语作文带翻译,希望能够帮助到你们我的一天 Hello! My name is BiNan xin I usually get up at six orsquoclock。



我的一天 今天是星期一,我6点起床了,我在6点半吃的早饭,然后我打扫了我的房间,洗脸然后刷牙早饭我吃了面条,7点的时候我去了学校,我在7点50的时候做早操,上午我们有4节课,11点半的时候,我非常饿,我在学校。



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