

初中最难忘我的经历英语作文的经历英语作文篇1 My unforgettable lesson is a debate in the sixth grade我的经历英语作文, at that time the topic is quotreading enriches the mindquot or quotit#39s not definitely helpful to open all books Before。

篇一我的经历英语作文我的表演经历 My Wonderful Performance***808字 My college life was very vivid and interesting我的经历英语作文, because I attended so many afterclass activities that greatly enrich my college life我的经历英语作文我的大学生活是很生动有。

译文我告诉父母这次经历At first, they blamed me as usual and I knew I was wrong that time译文起初他们像往常一样责备我,而那一次我也知道错了Therefore, I did not say anything译文因此,我一句话。


我的经历My experienceI went to cinema on the evening las t SaturdayOn my way there ,I saw a littl e girl was knocked down by a car The c ar run away without stopping,so I thoug ht I must。

一次难忘的经历 An Unforgettable Experience Last summer holiday, I learned to swim It was very unforgettable and interesting I went to the swimming pool with my father He taught me how to swim At first。

英语作文my special experience One day on my way to school,I ran across a traffic accident,in which a girl was seriously injured by a motorcycleI rushed to her rescue instinctivelyI lifted her in my arms。



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