

1My hometown Wuhan is warm in spring,and everything begins to growThe hottest season is summer,so every summer many people like to swim in the Yangtze RiverThe fall in Wuhan is like spring,neither too。

My hometown is in XXXXX In the spring, the weather is warm and wet in ShenZhen But sometimes it is cool We can see the threes and flowers everywhere The threes are green and flowers are beautiful。

描写自己家乡季节的英语作文My hometown has all four seasons winter, spring, summer and fall We girls wear different clothes in each season It#39s very cold in winter, so we need heavy sweaters and wool。


My hometown Wuhan is warm in spring,and everything begins to growThe hottest season is summer,so every summer many people like to swim in the Yangtze RiverThe fall in Wuhan is like spring,neither too。


The weather in Beijing is really nicexIn spring,it gets warmer and warmerxAnd the wind sometimes is very strongAnd in summer,the weather starts getting hot and rains a lot in summerxAnd the weather is。



It#39s winter in China The weather is windy and cloudy My parents are wearing sweaters and scarfs But everyone is having a good time My grandparents are eating in restaurantsIn a park ,my uncle。

6 以我家乡的天气写一篇英语作文 My hometown Wuhan is warm in spring,and everything begins to growThe hottest season is summer,so every summer many people like to swim in the Yangtze RiverThe fall in。

We are looking at a pretty typical summer weather for the rest of the week, with the temperature roaming around the mid twenties and sunshine all the way through the weekend But the outlook for next week。

My hometown is JiangxiIt is a beautiful cityNow it is winter,but it is not really coldthe weather there is always sunny in other seasons sometimes it will be rainy and windy people in there like。

Lanzhou is situated in the temperate zone and enjoys a semiarid climate K#246ppen BSk with hot summers and very cold and dry winters Mean annual rainfall is 315 millimetres 124 in, almost all。

My hometown is in anhui,now is winter,but not very coldThe weather is usually clear,and sometimes it rains and windyUnder this kind of weather,people like to go to the park this weekend entertainment。

1 帮我写篇英语作文我家乡的夏天内容天气怎么样 My hometown Wuhan is warm in spring,and everything begins to growThe hottest season is summer,so every summer many people like to swim in the Yangtze。

我这里有几个文章你可以参考一下 1A blackout It was a very busy evening,I was doing my homework at my homeMy father was writing a composition in the study roomMy mother was interested in Shanghai。

My hometown is Wu wei,An hui,which is a beautiful cityIn spring,the flowers bloom and they smells sweet,and you will see many birds in the sky , the tree also change。

hi,以下有两篇关于天气的英语作文,希望对有帮助China has many different kinds of climate 气候In the southern part of China, the temperature changes very little between summer and winter But the north。



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