

篇一关于宠物的英语口语表达 1Do you have a dog?你养宠物狗吗?2My dog is my perfect companion我的宠物狗是我的伴侣3My dog is a major part of my life我的狗是我生命里最重要的一部分4。

Adrienne Hey, Lisa, I was hoping you could tell me a little about this cat?埃德里安娜嗨,莉莎,我想请你说说这只猫的情况Lisa This is my cat Rocky Her name her full name is Rocky Parker, a。

what#39s your favourite pet?I like dogs best,especially the little onesI heard that most Americans like keeping dogs,and then catsYes,that#39s trueBut in many ways dogs are better than catsThey。

Boy Where do you want to go now?男孩现在你想先去看什么Girl Let’s see the elephants女孩我想去看大象 B The elephants? Why do you like elephants?男孩大象你为什么喜欢大象G Oh, they’re。

莉莉I want to buy a pet, but I don#39t know which one is the right one for me 我想买只宠物,但我实在拿不定主意该买什么,你能给我一些建议吗 王平Dogs are nice, but they are really energetic, and。


1 AShe#39s a Persian She has papers and everything Not like a street dog它是只波斯猫血统证明等档案全都有不像流浪街头的狗BCats chase mice, don#39t they?猫会捉老鼠,是吧?AAnd bugs They。

ALucy,你喜欢什么宠物?L我喜欢狗B哦,狗是人类的好朋友L是,他们对人类很忠诚BAmy,你最喜欢什么宠物啊?A我最喜欢的宠物是猫L为什么?A因为他们很可爱B是,他们的确很可爱L那你呢?Bob B猴子A。



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